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Gene Review

SKP1  -  S-phase kinase-associated protein 1

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: ARABIDOPSIS SKP1 HOMOLOGUE 1, ASK1, ATSKP1, S phase kinase-associated protein 1, SKP1A, ...
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High impact information on SKP1


Biological context of SKP1

  • The yeast and human SKP1 genes regulate the mitotic cell cycle but are not yet known to be required for meiosis [5].
  • Arabidopsis SKP1, a homologue of a cell cycle regulator gene, is predominantly expressed in meristematic cells [6].
  • The ASK1 gene regulates B function gene expression in cooperation with UFO and LEAFY in Arabidopsis [7].
  • AhSSK1, despite having a similar secondary structure to other SKP1-like proteins, appeared quite distinctive in sequence and unique in a phylogenetic analysis, in which no SSK1 ortholog could be predicted in the sequenced genomes of Arabidopsis and rice [8].
  • The axr6-3 mutation interferes with Skp1 binding, thus preventing SCF complex assembly. axr6-3 displays a pleiotropic phenotype with defects in numerous SCF-regulated pathways including auxin signaling, jasmonate signaling, flower development, and photomorphogenesis [9].

Anatomical context of SKP1


Associations of SKP1 with chemical compounds

  • The regulation of EIN3 stability by ethylene is accomplished by F-box-containing proteins that participate in the formation of a SKP1/cullin/F-box complex that targets proteins for degradation by the proteasome [11].

Physical interactions of SKP1

  • EID1 interacts specifically with several Arabidopsis Skp1-like (ASK) proteins and Cullin1 to form stable dimeric and trimeric complexes [12].

Regulatory relationships of SKP1


Other interactions of SKP1

  • In addition, compared to the ask1 mutant, plants homozygous for ask1 and heterozygous for ask2 displayed enhanced reduction of B function, as well as other novel defects of flower development, including carpelloid sepals and an inhibition of petal development [13].
  • The SKP1-Cullin/Cdc53-F-box protein ubiquitin ligases (SCF) target many important regulatory proteins for degradation and play vital roles in diverse cellular processes [14].
  • Compared with the ask1 mutant, the strong ASK1 RNA interference (RNAi) line exhibited similar or enhanced phenotypes in both vegetative and floral development, whereas ASK11 RNAi plants had normal vegetative growth but mild defects in flower development [15].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SKP1


  1. Identification of an SCF ubiquitin-ligase complex required for auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Gray, W.M., del Pozo, J.C., Walker, L., Hobbie, L., Risseeuw, E., Banks, T., Crosby, W.L., Yang, M., Ma, H., Estelle, M. Genes Dev. (1999) [Pubmed]
  2. SKP1-SnRK protein kinase interactions mediate proteasomal binding of a plant SCF ubiquitin ligase. Farrás, R., Ferrando, A., Jásik, J., Kleinow, T., Okrész, L., Tiburcio, A., Salchert, K., del Pozo, C., Schell, J., Koncz, C. EMBO J. (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. The ASK1 and ASK2 genes are essential for Arabidopsis early development. Liu, F., Ni, W., Griffith, M.E., Huang, Z., Chang, C., Peng, W., Ma, H., Xie, D. Plant Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. ORE9, an F-box protein that regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Woo, H.R., Chung, K.M., Park, J.H., Oh, S.A., Ahn, T., Hong, S.H., Jang, S.K., Nam, H.G. Plant Cell (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. The Arabidopsis SKP1-LIKE1 gene is essential for male meiosis and may control homologue separation. Yang, M., Hu, Y., Lodhi, M., McCombie, W.R., Ma, H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999) [Pubmed]
  6. Arabidopsis SKP1, a homologue of a cell cycle regulator gene, is predominantly expressed in meristematic cells. Porat, R., Lu, P., O'Neill, S.D. Planta (1998) [Pubmed]
  7. The ASK1 gene regulates B function gene expression in cooperation with UFO and LEAFY in Arabidopsis. Zhao, D., Yu, Q., Chen, M., Ma, H. Development (2001) [Pubmed]
  8. AhSSK1, a novel SKP1-like protein that interacts with the S-locus F-box protein SLF. Huang, J., Zhao, L., Yang, Q., Xue, Y. Plant J. (2006) [Pubmed]
  9. Characterization of a novel temperature-sensitive allele of the CUL1/AXR6 subunit of SCF ubiquitin-ligases. Quint, M., Ito, H., Zhang, W., Gray, W.M. Plant J. (2005) [Pubmed]
  10. The Arabidopsis SKP1 homolog ASK1 controls meiotic chromosome remodeling and release of chromatin from the nuclear membrane and nucleolus. Yang, X., Timofejeva, L., Ma, H., Makaroff, C.A. J. Cell. Sci. (2006) [Pubmed]
  11. Ethylene signaling pathway. Stepanova, A.N., Alonso, J.M. Sci. STKE (2005) [Pubmed]
  12. Functional analysis of EID1, an F-box protein involved in phytochrome A-dependent light signal transduction. Marrocco, K., Zhou, Y., Bury, E., Dieterle, M., Funk, M., Genschik, P., Krenz, M., Stolpe, T., Kretsch, T. Plant J. (2006) [Pubmed]
  13. Regulation of flower development in Arabidopsis by SCF complexes. Ni, W., Xie, D., Hobbie, L., Feng, B., Zhao, D., Akkara, J., Ma, H. Plant Physiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  14. Point mutations in Arabidopsis Cullin1 reveal its essential role in jasmonate response. Ren, C., Pan, J., Peng, W., Genschik, P., Hobbie, L., Hellmann, H., Estelle, M., Gao, B., Peng, J., Sun, C., Xie, D. Plant J. (2005) [Pubmed]
  15. Members of the Arabidopsis-SKP1-like gene family exhibit a variety of expression patterns and may play diverse roles in Arabidopsis. Zhao, D., Ni, W., Feng, B., Han, T., Petrasek, M.G., Ma, H. Plant Physiol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  16. Molecular analyses of the Arabidopsis TUBBY-like protein gene family. Lai, C.P., Lee, C.L., Chen, P.H., Wu, S.H., Yang, C.C., Shaw, J.F. Plant Physiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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