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Gene Review

AXR1  -  RUB-activating enzyme E1

Arabidopsis thaliana

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High impact information on AXR1

  • One of these genes, AXR1, is defined by recessive mutations that confer auxin resistance to the roots, rosettes and inflorescences of mutant plants [1].
  • Arabidopsis auxin-resistance gene AXR1 encodes a protein related to ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 [1].
  • The AXR1 protein is highly diverged from previously characterized E1 enzymes, however, and lacks a key cysteine residue that is essential for E1 activity [1].
  • Extracts from mutant seedlings lacking AXR1 did not promote formation of the RUB-ECR1 thiolester, indicating that AXR1 is the major activity in this tissue [2].
  • Further, mutations in TIR1 display a synergistic interaction with mutations in AXR1, suggesting that the two genes function in overlapping pathways [3].

Biological context of AXR1


Anatomical context of AXR1

  • In addition, bdl seedlings were insensitive to the auxin analogue 2,4-D, as determined by comparison with auxin resistant1 (axr1) seedlings. bdl embryos deviated from normal development as early as the two-cell stage at which the apical daughter cell of the zygote had divided horizontally instead of vertically [8].

Associations of AXR1 with chemical compounds

  • The AXR1 (auxin-resistant) protein, which has features of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1, is required for normal response to the plant hormone auxin in Arabidopsis thaliana [2].
  • This study demonstrates that in addition to auxin signaling, the AXR1 locus is involved in MeJA response, providing a mechanistic link between jasmonate and auxin-signaling pathways [9].
  • Surprisingly, two loss-of-function mutants at the AXR1 locus (axr1-3 and axr1-12) were hypersensitive to l-glutamate [10].
  • Both sar1 and sar3 mutations affect the localization of the transcriptional repressor AXR3/INDOLE ACETIC ACID17, providing a likely explanation for suppression of the phenotype conferred by axr1 [11].

Other interactions of AXR1

  • Furthermore, we show that the AtCUL1 component of SCF(COI1) complexes is modified in planta, where mutations in AXR1 decrease the abundance of the modified AtCUL1 of SCF(COI1) and lead to a reduction in JA response [12].
  • The SAR1 gene of Arabidopsis acts downstream of the AXR1 gene in auxin response [13].
  • However, the morphology of double mutant plants indicates that there is an inter-action between the AXR1 and AUX1 genes [14].
  • Acceleration of Aux/IAA proteolysis is specific for auxin and independent of AXR1 [15].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AXR1

  • In order to detect gene products involved in Arabidopsis drought adaptive strategy, 2D-PAGE protein patterns of two auxin-insensitive mutants, axr1, axr2, differentially affected in specific drought responses, were compared to the wild-type Columbia ecotype, in well-watered and drought-stressed conditions [16].


  1. Arabidopsis auxin-resistance gene AXR1 encodes a protein related to ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1. Leyser, H.M., Lincoln, C.A., Timpte, C., Lammer, D., Turner, J., Estelle, M. Nature (1993) [Pubmed]
  2. The ubiquitin-related protein RUB1 and auxin response in Arabidopsis. Pozo, J.C., Timpte, C., Tan, S., Callis, J., Estelle, M. Science (1998) [Pubmed]
  3. The TIR1 protein of Arabidopsis functions in auxin response and is related to human SKP2 and yeast grr1p. Ruegger, M., Dewey, E., Gray, W.M., Hobbie, L., Turner, J., Estelle, M. Genes Dev. (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis. Dharmasiri, S., Dharmasiri, N., Hellmann, H., Estelle, M. EMBO J. (2003) [Pubmed]
  5. AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response. del Pozo, J.C., Dharmasiri, S., Hellmann, H., Walker, L., Gray, W.M., Estelle, M. Plant Cell (2002) [Pubmed]
  6. The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size. Hu, Y., Xie, Q., Chua, N.H. Plant Cell (2003) [Pubmed]
  7. The Arabidopsis MAX pathway controls shoot branching by regulating auxin transport. Bennett, T., Sieberer, T., Willett, B., Booker, J., Luschnig, C., Leyser, O. Curr. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  8. The auxin-insensitive bodenlos mutation affects primary root formation and apical-basal patterning in the Arabidopsis embryo. Hamann, T., Mayer, U., Jürgens, G. Development (1999) [Pubmed]
  9. An Arabidopsis mutant defective in jasmonate response is allelic to the auxin-signaling mutant axr1. Tiryaki, I., Staswick, P.E. Plant Physiol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  10. Evidence that L-Glutamate Can Act as an Exogenous Signal to Modulate Root Growth and Branching in Arabidopsis thaliana. Walch-Liu, P., Liu, L.H., Remans, T., Tester, M., Forde, B.G. Plant Cell Physiol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  11. The Arabidopsis SUPPRESSOR OF AUXIN RESISTANCE proteins are nucleoporins with an important role in hormone signaling and development. Parry, G., Ward, S., Cernac, A., Dharmasiri, S., Estelle, M. Plant Cell (2006) [Pubmed]
  12. The SCF(COI1) ubiquitin-ligase complexes are required for jasmonate response in Arabidopsis. Xu, L., Liu, F., Lechner, E., Genschik, P., Crosby, W.L., Ma, H., Peng, W., Huang, D., Xie, D. Plant Cell (2002) [Pubmed]
  13. The SAR1 gene of Arabidopsis acts downstream of the AXR1 gene in auxin response. Cernac, A., Lincoln, C., Lammer, D., Estelle, M. Development (1997) [Pubmed]
  14. The AXR1 and AUX1 genes of Arabidopsis function in separate auxin-response pathways. Timpte, C., Lincoln, C., Pickett, F.B., Turner, J., Estelle, M. Plant J. (1995) [Pubmed]
  15. Acceleration of Aux/IAA proteolysis is specific for auxin and independent of AXR1. Zenser, N., Dreher, K.A., Edwards, S.R., Callis, J. Plant J. (2003) [Pubmed]
  16. Two-dimensional protein patterns of Arabidopsis wild-type and auxin insensitive mutants, axr1, axr2, reveal interactions between drought and hormonal responses. Leymarie, J., Damerval, C., Marcotte, L., Combes, V., Vartanian, N. Plant Cell Physiol. (1996) [Pubmed]
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