Gene Review:
HDA1 - Hda1p
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
Histone deacetylase HDA1, N2819, YNL021W
- Genetic and epigenetic regulation of the FLO gene family generates cell-surface variation in yeast. Halme, A., Bumgarner, S., Styles, C., Fink, G.R. Cell (2004)
- Microarray deacetylation maps determine genome-wide functions for yeast histone deacetylases. Robyr, D., Suka, Y., Xenarios, I., Kurdistani, S.K., Wang, A., Suka, N., Grunstein, M. Cell (2002)
- TUP1 utilizes histone H3/H2B-specific HDA1 deacetylase to repress gene activity in yeast. Wu, J., Suka, N., Carlson, M., Grunstein, M. Mol. Cell (2001)
- Hyperacetylation of chromatin at the ADH2 promoter allows Adr1 to bind in repressed conditions. Verdone, L., Wu, J., van Riper, K., Kacherovsky, N., Vogelauer, M., Young, E.T., Grunstein, M., Di Mauro, E., Caserta, M. EMBO J. (2002)
- HDA2 and HDA3 are related proteins that interact with and are essential for the activity of the yeast histone deacetylase HDA1. Wu, J., Carmen, A.A., Kobayashi, R., Suka, N., Grunstein, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- HDA1 and RPD3 are members of distinct yeast histone deacetylase complexes that regulate silencing and transcription. Rundlett, S.E., Carmen, A.A., Kobayashi, R., Bavykin, S., Turner, B.M., Grunstein, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996)
- Suppressor analysis of a histone defect identifies a new function for the hda1 complex in chromosome segregation. Kanta, H., Laprade, L., Almutairi, A., Pinto, I. Genetics (2006)
- Overlapping roles for the histone acetyltransferase activities of SAGA and elongator in vivo. Wittschieben, B.O., Fellows, J., Du, W., Stillman, D.J., Svejstrup, J.Q. EMBO J. (2000)
- Histone deacetylases, acetoin utilization proteins and acetylpolyamine amidohydrolases are members of an ancient protein superfamily. Leipe, D.D., Landsman, D. Nucleic Acids Res. (1997)
- Promoter-dependent roles for the Srb10 cyclin-dependent kinase and the Hda1 deacetylase in Tup1-mediated repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Green, S.R., Johnson, A.D. Mol. Biol. Cell (2004)
- Distinct roles of processes modulated by histone deacetylases Rpd3p, Hda1p, and Sir2p in life extension by caloric restriction in yeast. Jiang, J.C., Wawryn, J., Shantha Kumara, H.M., Jazwinski, S.M. Exp. Gerontol. (2002)
- Modulation of life-span by histone deacetylase genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Kim, S., Benguria, A., Lai, C.Y., Jazwinski, S.M. Mol. Biol. Cell (1999)