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Vestibular Aqueduct

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Disease relevance of Vestibular Aqueduct


High impact information on Vestibular Aqueduct

  • Mutations in the SLC26A4 gene cause both classical PS and deafness associated with an enlarged vestibular aqueduct without goiter.To investigate a possible genotype-phenotype correlation in PS, we performed a detailed clinical and genetic study in three adult German sibs with typical PS caused by a common homozygous SLC26A4 mutation, T416P [6].
  • Isolated dysplasia of the internal auditory canal or the vestibular aqueduct may be responsible for sensorineural hearing loss in some patients [7].
  • Distribution and frequencies of PDS (SLC26A4) mutations in Pendred syndrome and nonsyndromic hearing loss associated with enlarged vestibular aqueduct: a unique spectrum of mutations in Japanese [8].
  • Malformations of the inner ear, specifically enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct, are common in Pendred syndrome and mutations in the PDS (Pendred Syndrome) gene have been recorded in patients presenting with deafness and vestibular aqueduct dilatation only, without other features of Pendred syndrome [9].
  • Large vestibular aqueduct and congenital sensorineural hearing loss [10].

Biological context of Vestibular Aqueduct


Anatomical context of Vestibular Aqueduct


Associations of Vestibular Aqueduct with chemical compounds


Gene context of Vestibular Aqueduct

  • PDS mutations were found only in patients with enlarged vestibular aqueducts and EYA1 mutations were detected only in patients with ear pits and cervical fistulae, indicating that these two genes are associated with particular forms of middle and inner ear malformation [17].
  • OBJECTIVES:: The objectives of this study were to identify SIX1 gene mutations in a patient with branchio-oto syndrome (BO) and to clarify the relationship between SIX1 mutation and enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct (EVA) [18].
  • The histopathologic findings included severe Mondini dysplasia with unusual enlargement of the vestibular aqueducts and endolymphatic sacs [19].
  • Imaging case of the month. Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome [20].
  • RESULTS: An etiologic diagnosis was achieved in 6 patients: cochlear otosclerosis, 1 case; dilated vestibular aqueduct, 1 case; a mitochondrial DNA 7445A>G mutation, 3 cases; and a mitochondrial DNA 1555A>G mutation, 1 case [21].


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  2. Distal renal tubular acidosis associated with large vestibular aqueduct and sensorineural hearing loss. Shinjo, Y., Kaga, K., Igarashi, T. Acta Otolaryngol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  8. Distribution and frequencies of PDS (SLC26A4) mutations in Pendred syndrome and nonsyndromic hearing loss associated with enlarged vestibular aqueduct: a unique spectrum of mutations in Japanese. Tsukamoto, K., Suzuki, H., Harada, D., Namba, A., Abe, S., Usami, S. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. (2003) [Pubmed]
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