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Epidural Space

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Disease relevance of Epidural Space


High impact information on Epidural Space

  • Patients who received epidural morphine required less parenteral morphine in the 24 hours following surgery, had lower analogue pain scores, and had markedly lower plasma norepinephrine levels when compared with patients in the control group who received an identical volume of saline in the epidural space [6].
  • For standard epidural analgesia, 25 mg (10 mL of 0.25%) bupivacaine was injected into the epidural space, followed by top-ups of 6-10 mL 0.25% bupivacaine, as required [7].
  • In contrast, injections of mepivacaine into epidural space suppressed pain and movements in all patients [8].
  • The cervical epidural space was injected (C7-D1; 18-ga needle) with an increasing volume (10 ml maximum) of isotonic saline solution to exacerbate the patient's radicular pain [9].
  • The mean volume injected in the epidural space was: 6.6 +/- 2.1 and 6.3 +/- 1.9 ml in groups S and S + M, respectively, and this volume exacerbated pain in 21 of 24 patients [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Epidural Space


Biological context of Epidural Space

  • In all patients 12.5 ml of 2% lidocaine HCl was injected into the lumbar epidural space, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and heart rate were continuously monitored [12].
  • CONCLUSIONS: In a large proportion of patients, isolation of viable organisms from excised skin specimens after disinfection with 10% PVP-I suggests that contamination of the epidural space by the skin flora may be a potential mechanism of epidural infection associated with epidural block [13].
  • However, because drug concentration in the epidural space has never been measured, our understanding of the effect of epinephrine on epidural pharmacokinetics is incomplete [14].
  • DISCUSSION: Kinetics studies showed that multivesicular liposome sequestration results in a restrained and persistent release of morphine from the epidural space [15].
  • Uncontrolled clinical observations that bupivacaine injected into the epidural space causes faster recovery of bowel motility after various abdominal operations led us to assess the hypothesis that epidural anesthesia can hasten the recovery of gastrointestinal motility in the immediate postischemic period [16].

Anatomical context of Epidural Space


Associations of Epidural Space with chemical compounds


Gene context of Epidural Space

  • The positive rate for both MMP-7 and MMP-8 significantly increased when HNP was exposed to the epidural space (p < 0.01) [27].
  • METHODS: In 39 patients undergoing abdominal surgery, the cutaneous distance between the L4-L5 and T10-T11 interspaces was measured, and an appropriate length of 19-G catheter was inserted into the epidural space through an 18-G Tuohy needle with bevel directed cephalad [28].
  • During voluntary contraction, the calculated CMCT (4.9 +/- 1.0 ms) was the same as the onset latency of the second component of the ESCPs (I-wave, 4.3 +/- 0.2 ms) recorded from the C6-C6/7 epidural space [29].
  • When disk fragments moved in a superior (42%) or inferior (40%) direction from the donor disk, the displaced disk components were most frequently (94%) dislodged into the right or left half of the anterior epidural space (AES) and rarely straddled the midline [30].
  • The transfer of sufentanil from the epidural space into the CSF is slower than the transfer into the plasma and it varied interindividually [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Epidural Space


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