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Donor Selection

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Disease relevance of Donor Selection


High impact information on Donor Selection


Biological context of Donor Selection


Associations of Donor Selection with chemical compounds

  • Donor selection criteria continue to expand, focusing most recently on the possibility of exclusion due to intranasal cocaine use and, in the US, due to incarceration for more than 72 hours [12].
  • After donor screening and preservation in glycerol 85%, the skin can be stored in a Skin Bank. Glycerol at this concentration has a bacteriostatic effect after certain time of preservation [13].
  • The historic and potential future impacts on Transfusion Medicine and Science in the UK--from donor selection to component processing--are summarised, and put in a global setting [14].

Gene context of Donor Selection

  • These data support the notion that certain HLA differences do not affect the clinical outcome of UCB transplants and indicate that the expensive and time consuming molecular typing of HLA-C and DQB1 loci might be avoided for UCB donor selection [15].
  • Donor selection was based on serologic typing for HLA class I and high resolution oligotyping for HLA-DRB1-DRB5, and HLA-DQB1 [16].
  • However, unrelated donor selection generally relies on matching only for HLA-A, -B and -DR antigens without considering potential incompatibility for other HLA loci, such as HLA-C, -DQ and -DP [17].
  • Our results indicate that Chl1p participates in the process of donor selection and are consistent with a model in which Chl1p helps establish an intrinsic bias in donor preference [18].
  • Prospective genomic typing for the HA-1 alleles will improve donor selection and identify HLA-A*0201-positive recipients with a high risk for HA-1-induced GvHD [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Donor Selection


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