MeSH Review:
Coproporphyria, Hereditary
- Uneventful propofol anesthesia in a patient with coexisting hereditary coproporphyria and hereditary angioneurotic edema. Sarantopoulos, C.D., Bratanow, N.C., Stowe, D.F., Kampine, J.P. Anesthesiology (2000)
- Family study of acute intermittent porphyria and hereditary coproporphyria in Niigata and Akita Prefectures, Japan. Sasaki, H., Kaneko, K., Tsuneyama, H., Daimon, M., Yamatani, K., Manaka, H. Journal of clinical epidemiology. (1996)
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in a patient affected by hereditary coproporphyria: safety of zidovudine treatment. Herrero, C., Bassas, S., Azon, A., Mascaro, J.M., Miro, J. Archives of dermatology. (1990)
- Congenital erythropoietic porphyria: clinical, biochemical, and enzymatic profile of a severely affected infant. Huang, J.L., Zaider, E., Roth, P., Garcia, O., Pollack, S., Poh-Fitzpatrick, M.B. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. (1996)
- The porphyrias. Moore, M.R., McColl, K.E., Goldberg, A. Diabète & métabolisme. (1979)
- Harderoporphyria: a variant hereditary coproporphyria. Nordmann, Y., Grandchamp, B., de Verneuil, H., Phung, L., Cartigny, B., Fontaine, G. J. Clin. Invest. (1983)
- Coproporphyrinogen-oxidase deficiency in hereditary coproporphyria. Nordmann, Y., Grandchamp, B., Phung, N., de Verneuil, H., Grelier, M., Neiré, J. Lancet (1977)
- Characterization of the heme synthesis enzyme coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPO) in zebrafish erythrogenesis. Hanaoka, R., Katayama, S., Dawid, I.B., Kawahara, A. Genes Cells (2006)
- Occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in a case of hereditary coproporphyria. Andant, C., Puy, H., Deybach, J.C., Soulé, J.C., Nordmann, Y. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (1997)
- Identification of a novel mutation of the CPO gene in a Japanese hereditary coproporphyria family. Susa, S., Daimon, M., Kondo, H., Kondo, M., Yamatani, K., Sasaki, H. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1998)
- Acute hereditary coproporphyria induced by the androgenic/anabolic steroid methandrostenolone (Dianabol). Lane, P.R., Massey, K.L., Worobetz, L.J., Jutras, M.N., Hull, P.R. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. (1994)
- Induction of anaesthesia with ketamine during an acute crisis of hereditary coproporphyria. Capouet, V., Dernovoi, B., Azagra, J.S. Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie. (1987)
- Effects of erythromycin on gut transit in pseudo-obstruction due to hereditary coproporphyria. Vassallo, M.J., Camilleri, M., Sullivan, S.N., Thomforde, G.M. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. (1992)
- Normeperidine-induced seizures in hereditary coproporphyria. Deeg, M.A., Rajamani, K. South. Med. J. (1990)
- Prevention of premenstrual exacerbation of hereditary coproporphyria by gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue. Yamamori, I., Asai, M., Tanaka, F., Muramoto, A., Hasegawa, H. Intern. Med. (1999)
- Hereditary coproporphyria: unusual nervous system involvement in two cases. Casali, C., Lo Monaco, M., D'Alessandro, L., Griso, D., Amantea, A., Topi, G.C., Tonali, P. J. Neurol. (1984)
- Molecular characterization of porphyrias in Italy: a diagnostic flow-chart. Martinez di Montemuros, F., Di Pierro, E., Patti, E., Tavazzi, D., Danielli, M.G., Biolcati, G., Rocchi, E., Cappellini, M.D. Cell. Mol. Biol. (Noisy-le-grand) (2002)
- Oxygen-dependent coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase from Escherichia coli: one-step purification and biochemical characterisation. Macieira, S., Martins, B.M., Huber, R. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. (2003)
- Mutations in human CPO gene predict clinical expression of either hepatic hereditary coproporphyria or erythropoietic harderoporphyria. Schmitt, C., Gouya, L., Malonova, E., Lamoril, J., Camadro, J.M., Flamme, M., Rose, C., Lyoumi, S., Da Silva, V., Boileau, C., Grandchamp, B., Beaumont, C., Deybach, J.C., Puy, H. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
- Coexistence of hereditary coproporphyria and epilepsy: coproporphyrinogen oxidase deficiency in liver and kidney. Doss, M., von Tiepermann, R., Pflüger, K.H. J. Neurol. (1981)