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Gene Review

CPOX  -  coproporphyrinogen oxidase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: COX, CPO, CPX, Coprogen oxidase, Coproporphyrinogenase, ...
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Disease relevance of CPOX


Psychiatry related information on CPOX

  • For both the control group and the left HCP group, a linear increase in reaction time as a function of angle of rotation was found [6].
  • CPX can identify patients with severe PR and RV dysfunction and may be useful to guide the pulmonary valve replacement decision-making process [7].
  • DESIGN: We evaluated the effects of diagnosis (CLP, CPO, or no diagnosis) and age (3, 12, and 24 months) on facial attractiveness ratings derived from a modified Q-sort method [8].

High impact information on CPOX


Chemical compound and disease context of CPOX


Biological context of CPOX

  • Coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPOX), the sixth enzyme in the heme-biosynthetic pathway, catalyzes oxidative decarboxylation of coproporphyrinogen to protoporphyrinogen and is located in the intermembrane space of mitochondria [1].
  • Conversely, the transfection of antisense oligonucleotide to human CPOX mRNA into untreated and TGF beta 1-treated K562 cells led to a decrease in heme production compared with sense oligonucleotide-transfected cells [1].
  • We then analysed the available single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) present at high frequencies in the general population and spreading throughout the FECH, HMBS, PPOX and the CPO genes in four case-control association studies [19].
  • For HC, the CPO mRNA determinations strongly suggest that normal CPO alleles with low-expression are present, but whether this low-expression of the wild-type allele could modulate the penetrance of a CPO gene defect in HC families remains to be ascertained [19].
  • The biogenesis of the inner mitochondrial membrane enzyme cytochrome c oxidase (COX) is a complex process that requires the actions of ancillary proteins, collectively called assembly factors [20].

Anatomical context of CPOX

  • These increases in the transfected cells were twice those in control cells, indicating that overexpression of CPOX enhanced induction of the differentiation of K562 cells mediated by TGF beta 1 or ALA [1].
  • The A ring isomer coproporphyrinogen-IV (C-IV) has previously been shown to be a substrate for copro'gen oxidase derived from avian erythrocytes [21].
  • Immunostaining with specific antibodies failed to detect the presence of several smaller subunits in the complex lacking COX III, in spite of the demonstration that these subunits were present in the crude mitochondrial fraction of patient's cultured fibroblasts [22].
  • CONCLUSIONS: In skeletal muscle, HIV+NRTI+ had a reduced mt/n DNA ratio, more frequent mtDNA deletions and possibly more COX-deficient muscle fibres than HIV-negative controls [23].
  • The COX III gene mutation resulted in a severe respiratory chain defect in all mutant cell lines [24].

Associations of CPOX with chemical compounds

  • These findings indicate that the G265-->A transition, involving the highly conserved glycine residue at the 89th position, is responsible for the CPO defect in the patient and accounts for the partial deficiency of CPO activity in this pedigree [4].
  • Patients with current use of didanosine (ddl) had more frequent mtDNA deletions and COX-deficient fibres than HIV+NRTI+ not on current treatment with ddl [23].
  • Cells homoplasmic for the mutation had no detectable COX activity or respiratory ATP synthesis, and required uridine and pyruvate supplementation for growth, a phenotype similar to rho(0) cells [24].
  • The Cu(2+) chelating action of HCys and impairement of COX activity represent novel mechanisms of HCys neurotoxicity, which might be preventable by supplementation of Cu(2+) [15].
  • We hypothesize that ethanol withdrawal (EW) impairs the activity of COX and estrogen deprivation exacerbates this problem [25].

Regulatory relationships of CPOX

  • The discovery that IL-10 can inhibit the production of coproporphyrinogen oxidase (an enzyme involved in the synthesis of heme) may shed some lights on the mechanisms of anaemia induced by IL-10 [26].

Other interactions of CPOX


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CPOX

  • Molecular cloning, sequencing and expression of the defective gene for coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPO) in a patient with HCP were carried out [4].
  • Previously, based upon metal analysis and site-directed mutagenesis of purified recombinant enzyme, it has been suggested that CPO contains and requires copper for activity (Kohno, H., Furukawa, T., Tokunaga, R., Taketani, S., and Yoshinaga, T. (1996) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1292, 156-162) [29].
  • We investigated the molecular basis of hereditary coproporphyria in three unrelated patients, amplifying each exon of the coproporphyrinogen oxidase gene and performing heteroduplex analysis to look for mutations [30].
  • Western blot analysis of two-dimensional blue-native electrophoresis showed a reduction of specific crossreacting material and the accumulation of early-assembly intermediates of COX, whereas the fully assembled complex was absent [22].
  • Because the iron concentration in the cell culture medium was determined to be 16 micromol/L, DFX but not CPX function can be explained by complete chelation of medium iron [31].


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