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Skin Physiology

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Disease relevance of Skin Physiology

  • Elucidating the mechanism of action of the toxins and identifying desmoglein-1 as their specific epidermal substrate has not only given us an insight into the pathogenesis of the staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, but also provided us with useful information on normal skin physiology and the pathogenesis of other toxin-mediated diseases [1].

High impact information on Skin Physiology


Biological context of Skin Physiology


Anatomical context of Skin Physiology

  • Therefore, the identification of CC chemokine receptor 3 on epidermal keratinocytes may indicate a role for CC chemokine receptor 3 and its ligands in skin physiology and pathophysiology [9].
  • On the basis of our current understanding of hairlessness, we speculate on the putative functions of the hr gene product in skin physiology, and particularly, in hair follicle biology [10].

Associations of Skin Physiology with chemical compounds

  • The arachidonic acid metabolite 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) is assumed to play an important role in skin physiology and pathophysiology [11].
  • As serotonin has powerful vasodilator, immunomodulator, and growth factor actions, this pathway could be involved in skin physiology and/or pathology [12].
  • Although it has been recognized for some time that estrogens have significant effects on many aspects of skin physiology and pathophysiology, studies on estrogen action in skin have been limited [13].
  • Insight into the interplay among the competing factors will be important in understanding thyroid hormone regulation of skin physiology [14].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Japanese women may complain about stronger sensations reflecting a different cultural behaviour rather than measurable differences in skin physiology; however, a faster penetration of SLS in Japanese cannot be excluded [15].

Gene context of Skin Physiology

  • This review focuses on the increasing knowledge of the role of NF-kappaB in skin physiology and pathology [16].
  • Mammalian skin is also a target for POMC products; their possible roles in skin physiology and pathology are discussed in this communication [17].
  • These patients exhibit skin fragility with trauma induced blistering, especially on the weight-bearing parts of the soles, and thus provide a vivid illustration of the clinical importance of PKP1 in skin physiology [18].
  • OBJECTIVES: To study the consequences of VDR deficiency for skin physiology, and to investigate the mechanisms of the immunosuppressive effect of 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) on LC [19].
  • Expression of FasL by normal cells and tumour cells in skin tissue, demonstrated for the first time in the present study, may provide an important clue to understanding skin physiology, and immune evasion of skin tumours [20].


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