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Ultraviolet Rays

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Disease relevance of Ultraviolet Rays


High impact information on Ultraviolet Rays


Associations of Ultraviolet Rays with chemical compounds

  • This finding suggests not only that ultraviolet rays could not penetrate deeply into the in vivo skin, but that the restriction of cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D3 observed in vivo may arise from this reduced penetration of ultraviolet rays [3].
  • Other abiotic elicitors, such as ultraviolet rays and heavy metals, can trigger stilbene production [7].
  • Tryptophan in charred fish or animal meat, ultraviolet rays, and irradiation, which damage genes of normal cells, have long been regarded as inducers of carcinoma, and agents such as alcohol, tobacco, aflatoxin, and nitrosoamine as promoters, with tobacco having both activities [8].
  • Phospholipid metabolism in inflamed tissue of the mouse skin which had been induced by the application of 1-chloro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene (DNCB), croton oil, or irradiation of ultraviolet rays was examined, and it was found that phospholipid levels had increased in theinflamed tissues [9].
  • The combined treatment with beta-propiolactone and ultraviolet rays described for the sterilization of HBsAg-positive sera does not interfere with the purification procedures for the production of HBs antigen [10].

Gene context of Ultraviolet Rays


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ultraviolet Rays

  • After treatment of carotene for 12 weeks, animals were exposed to ultraviolet ray (UV), and squalene monohydroperoxide (SqOOH)/squalene (Sq) ratios in the skin lipid were analyzed using the chemiluminescence-HPLC method [15].


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