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Disease relevance of Tanning


Psychiatry related information on Tanning

  • Two of these analogs, a linear peptide, melanotan I, and a cyclic truncated peptide, melanotan II (MTI and MTII, respectively) have been patented and tested clinically for studies on tanning of the skin (MTI) and for diagnosis and treatment of male erectile dysfunction (MTII) [6].

High impact information on Tanning

  • Our findings suggest that in humans, as in other mammals, the MC1R is a control point in the regulation of pigmentation phenotype and, more importantly, that variations in this protein are associated with a poor tanning response [7].
  • The latter was obtained from human cords and was made available as an onshelf graft for surgery following glutaraldehyde tanning [8].
  • Individuals with a low tanning ability and a low DRC had a higher risk for CMM (OR = 8.6; 95% CI = 2.7 to 27.5) than individuals with a higher tanning ability and a high DRC [9].
  • Overall, any use of tanning devices was associated with odds ratios of 2.5 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.7 to 3.8) for SCC and 1.5 (95% CI = 1.1 to 2.1) for BCC [10].
  • Forty-three years after its initial description, the elucidation of the molecular identity of bursicon and the verification of its receptor allow for studies of bursicon actions in regulating cuticle tanning, wing expansion, and as yet unknown functions [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Tanning


Biological context of Tanning


Anatomical context of Tanning


Associations of Tanning with chemical compounds


Gene context of Tanning

  • In ultraviolet-induced tanning, the protein levels of various gene products critical for pigmentation (including tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1) are increased in response to ultraviolet B irradiation, but changes in mRNA levels of these factors have not been investigated in vivo [28].
  • Two kinds of phenoloxidases, laccase and tyrosinase, have been proposed to participate in tanning, but proof of the true identity of the enzyme(s) responsible for this process has been elusive [25].
  • The sas gene was cloned, and both the cuticular tanning and the larval lethal phenotypes were complemented by P-element-mediated transformation with a genomic DNA-cDNA construct [29].
  • Our results suggest that the mechanism of the tanning response of human skin may involve the transcriptional regulation of certain pigmentary genes, and that pro-opiomelanocortin-derived melanocortins such as alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone may play a part in regulating these genes in vivo [28].
  • This superpotent analog is now entering a Phase I clinical trial with possible therapeutic applications for the treatment of hypomelanotic disorders such as vitiligo and for pharmacologic tanning without the need for sunlight exposure [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tanning

  • An MSH analogue ([Nle4,D-Phe7]alpha-MSH) that exhibits superpotency and prolonged biological activity has been synthesized, biologically characterized, and is presently in clinical trials to determine its possible clinical use in tanning of the skin [31].
  • A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) procedure has been developed for the quantification of Melanotan-II (MT-II), a cyclic heptapeptide which promotes rapid tanning of the skin, in rat plasma [32].
  • Inhibition of UVR-induced tanning and immunosuppression by topical applications of vitamins C and E to the skin of hairless (hr/hr) mice [33].
  • Primary prevention behaviors include applying SPF 15+ sunscreen 30 minutes before exposure, reapplying SPF 15+ sunscreen every 1 1/2 to 2 hours or after swimming or sweating, dressing in protective clothing, using shade, limiting exposure during peak sun hours, and avoiding artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation such as tanning beds [34].
  • These results demonstrate that MT-II has tanning activity in humans given only 5 low doses every other day by subcutaneous injection [35].


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