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A more persistent tolerance to islet allografts through bone marrow transplantation in minimal nonmyeloablative conditioning therapy.

INTRODUCTION: Islet transplantation is a therapeutic approach to prevent diabetes complications. However, the side effects of the required lifelong immunosuppressive regimens to prevent graft rejection restrict the impact of type 1 diabetes. One strategy to overcome these limitations is tolerance induction and graft acceptance through hematopoietic chimerism. In this study we investigated whether tolerance to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and minor-disparate islet allografts could be induced by minimal nonmyeloablative conditioning and whether more persistent donor-specific islet allografts were accepted if the grafts were implanted with simultaneous bone marrow cells. METHODS: The donor and recipient mice were BALB/c(H-2(b)) and C57BL/6(H-2(d)), respectively. In group 1 streptozotocin-induced diabetic C57BL/6(H-2(d)) mice received only 500 islets of BALB/c(H-2(b)). Group 2 recipients conditioned with antilymphocyte serum, 100 cGy total body irradiation and cyclophosphamide were given islet cells of BALB/c(H-2(b)), but group 3 were simultaneously given 30 x 10(6) BALB/c(H-2(b)) mice BMCs and islet cells similar to group 2. RESULTS: We obtained 5% to 6% allogeneic donor chimerism and 60% graft survival at 80 days after islet transplantation in group 3. We observed lymphocyte infiltration around the islet without destruction of endocrine cells and the presence of strong insulin/glucagon-stained cells in group 3. CONCLUSION: This minimal nonmyeloablative conditioning therapy induced donor chimerism and immune tolerance between MHC- and minor-disparate (BALB/c-->C57BL/6) mice and long-term islet graft survival was obtained through cotransplantation of bone marrow cells.[1]


  1. A more persistent tolerance to islet allografts through bone marrow transplantation in minimal nonmyeloablative conditioning therapy. Lee, B.W., Lee, J.I., Oh, S.H., Ahn, Y.R., Chae, H.Y., Lee, M.S., Lee, M.K., Kim, K.W. Transplant. Proc. (2005) [Pubmed]
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