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Graft Rejection

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Disease relevance of Graft Rejection


High impact information on Graft Rejection


Chemical compound and disease context of Graft Rejection


Biological context of Graft Rejection


Anatomical context of Graft Rejection


Associations of Graft Rejection with chemical compounds


Gene context of Graft Rejection

  • Our findings indicate that good HLA-A and B matching is highly dependent on a system for sharing organs among institutions, and results in decreased graft rejection, better long-term graft function, and less need for post-transplantation immunosuppression [31].
  • We used three in vivo models to demonstrate a role for CXCR3 in the development of transplant rejection [32].
  • During acute and chronic transplant rejection, ligands for CCR5 are upregulated, and the graft is infiltrated by CCR5-positive mononuclear cells [33].
  • Recent data implicates a role for the CD40-CD40 ligand (CD40L) pathway in graft rejection [34].
  • For BM graft rejection studies, IL-10 was infused into sublethally irradiated recipients of anti-Thy 1.2 + C' T-cell-depleted, fully allogeneic BM grafts [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Graft Rejection


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