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Gene Review

NUP50  -  nucleoporin 50kDa

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 50 kDa nucleoporin, NPAP60, NPAP60L, Nuclear pore complex protein Nup50, Nuclear pore-associated protein 60 kDa-like, ...
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Disease relevance of NUP50


High impact information on NUP50

  • These results identify Npap60 as a cofactor for importin-alpha:beta nuclear import and as a previously unidentified subunit of the importin complex [2].
  • Endogenous Npap60 can shuttle and is accessible from the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear envelope [2].
  • We now show that Npap60 (also called Nup50), a protein previously believed to be a structural component of the NPC, is a Ran binding protein and a cofactor for importin-alpha:beta-mediated import [2].
  • Until very recently, the vertebrate protein Npap60/Nup50 was thought merely to be a component of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) [3].
  • By contrast, a group of nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP153, NUP50, NUP96, and NUP93, had no affinity for annulate lamellae and assembled normally into nuclear pores [4].

Biological context of NUP50

  • Somatic cell hybrid mapping revealed additional related copies of NPAP60L on human chromosomes 5, 6, and 14, although it is not known if these are functional genes [5].
  • Taken together, our data indicate that Nup50 has a direct role in nuclear protein export and probably serves as a binding site on the nuclear side of the pore complex for export receptor-cargo complexes [6].
  • We present here a detailed analysis of a rat polypeptide termed Nup50 (formerly NPAP60) that was previously found to be associated with the nuclear pore complex (F. Fan et al., Genomics 40:444-453, 1997) [6].
  • Although Nup50-null mouse embryo fibroblasts exhibited no defects in either cell cycle control or p27(Kip1) regulation, Nup50 deletion was associated with abnormalities in p27(Kip1) expression and cell proliferation in the developing neuroepithelium [1].

Anatomical context of NUP50

  • The expression pattern of the human copy is much more complex that that of the rat, although conservation of the potential specific function of NPAP60L in male germ cells can be seen for one of the five transcripts [5].
  • We found that murine Nup50 is a widely expressed nucleoporin and that Nup50 expression is highest in the developing neural tube and adult testes [1].
  • The subcellular localization of NPAP60 protein changes dramatically during male germ cell differentiation, from nuclear pore complex-like staining in spermatocytes to whole nucleus staining in spermatids and finally to a nuclear surface staining in mature spermatozoa [7].

Associations of NUP50 with chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NUP50

  • By immunofluorescence microscopy, Nup50 was found to be highly concentrated at the nuclear envelope of rat liver nuclei, whereas in cultured NRK cells it also is abundant in intranuclear regions [6].
  • On the basis of immunogold electron microscopy of both rat liver nuclear envelopes and NRK cells, we determined that Nup50 is specifically localized in the nucleoplasmic fibrils of the pore complex [6].


  1. Characterization and targeted disruption of murine Nup50, a p27(Kip1)-interacting component of the nuclear pore complex. Smitherman, M., Lee, K., Swanger, J., Kapur, R., Clurman, B.E. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. Npap60/Nup50 is a tri-stable switch that stimulates importin-alpha:beta-mediated nuclear protein import. Lindsay, M.E., Plafker, K., Smith, A.E., Clurman, B.E., Macara, I.G. Cell (2002) [Pubmed]
  3. Npap60: a new player in nuclear protein import. Moore, M.S. Trends Cell Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. Disruption of the FG nucleoporin NUP98 causes selective changes in nuclear pore complex stoichiometry and function. Wu, X., Kasper, L.H., Mantcheva, R.T., Mantchev, G.T., Springett, M.J., van Deursen, J.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. Mapping and complex expression pattern of the human NPAP60L nucleoporin gene. Trichet, V., Shkolny, D., Dunham, I., Beare, D., McDermid, H.E. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. (1999) [Pubmed]
  6. Nup50, a nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporin with a role in nuclear protein export. Guan, T., Kehlenbach, R.H., Schirmer, E.C., Kehlenbach, A., Fan, F., Clurman, B.E., Arnheim, N., Gerace, L. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  7. cDNA cloning and characterization of Npap60: a novel rat nuclear pore-associated protein with an unusual subcellular localization during male germ cell differentiation. Fan, F., Liu, C.P., Korobova, O., Heyting, C., Offenberg, H.H., Trump, G., Arnheim, N. Genomics (1997) [Pubmed]
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