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Gene Review

43  -  Gp43

Enterobacteria phage RB49

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Disease relevance of RB49p026


High impact information on RB49p026

  • A structural rationale for stalling of a replicative DNA polymerase at the most common oxidative thymine lesion, thymine glycol [5].
  • We describe here the 2.5 A resolution crystal structure of a DNA polymerase from the Archaea Thermococcus gorgonarius and identify structural features of the fold and the active site that are likely responsible for its thermostable function [6].
  • This archaeal B DNA polymerase structure provides a starting point for structure-based design of polymerases or ligands with applications in biotechnology and the development of antiviral or anticancer agents [6].
  • Also, we cite and discuss examples of sequence divergence in the predicted sites for protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions of homologues of the T4 DNA replication proteins, with emphasis on the diversity in sequence, molecular form and regulation of the phage-encoded DNA polymerase, gp43 [7].
  • Many arginine residues are located at the forked-point (the junction of the template-binding and editing clefts) of KOD DNA polymerase, suggesting that the basic environment is suitable for partitioning of the primer and template DNA duplex and for stabilizing the partially melted DNA structure in the high-temperature environments [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of RB49p026


Biological context of RB49p026

  • Each mutant enzyme was tested for DNA binding activity, the ability to interact with pTP, DNA polymerase catalytic activity, and the ability to participate in the initiation of adenovirus DNA replication [2].
  • The mutant phenotypes identify functional domains within the adenovirus DNA polymerase and allow discrimination between the roles of conserved residues in the various activities carried out by the protein [2].
  • As in RB69, the central catalytic region of the DNA polymerase is located within the 'palm' subdomain and is strikingly similar in structure to the corresponding regions of Pol I type DNA polymerases [10].
  • The kinetics of forming a proper Watson-Crick base pair as well incorporating bases opposite furan, an abasic site analog, have been well characterized for the B Family replicative DNA polymerase from bacteriophage T4 [11].

Anatomical context of RB49p026


Associations of RB49p026 with chemical compounds

  • Role of the first aspartate residue of the "YxDTDS" motif of phi29 DNA polymerase as a metal ligand during both TP-primed and DNA-primed DNA synthesis [13].
  • The PhIP adduct was modeled into the ternary complex closed conformation of DNA polymerase RB69, at incorporation and extension positions, with normal cytosine or mismatched partner adenine [14].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RB49p026

  • The stabilization of the melted DNA structure at the forked-point may be correlated with the high PCR performance of KOD DNA polymerase, which is due to low error rate, high elongation rate and processivity [8].


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  2. Identification of conserved residues contributing to the activities of adenovirus DNA polymerase. Liu, H., Naismith, J.H., Hay, R.T. J. Virol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  3. Bacteriophage-based genetic system for selection of nonsplicing inteins. Cann, I.K., Amaya, K.R., Southworth, M.W., Perler, F.B. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. Three-dimensional modeling of cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase and preliminary analysis of drug resistance. Shi, R., Azzi, A., Gilbert, C., Boivin, G., Lin, S.X. Proteins (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. A structural rationale for stalling of a replicative DNA polymerase at the most common oxidative thymine lesion, thymine glycol. Aller, P., Rould, M.A., Hogg, M., Wallace, S.S., Doublié, S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2007) [Pubmed]
  6. Crystal structure of a thermostable type B DNA polymerase from Thermococcus gorgonarius. Hopfner, K.P., Eichinger, A., Engh, R.A., Laue, F., Ankenbauer, W., Huber, R., Angerer, B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999) [Pubmed]
  7. Plasticity of the gene functions for DNA replication in the T4-like phages. Petrov, V.M., Nolan, J.M., Bertrand, C., Levy, D., Desplats, C., Krisch, H.M., Karam, J.D. J. Mol. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  8. Crystal structure of DNA polymerase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. Hashimoto, H., Nishioka, M., Fujiwara, S., Takagi, M., Imanaka, T., Inoue, T., Kai, Y. J. Mol. Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  9. Accuracy, lesion bypass, strand displacement and translocation by DNA polymerases. Steitz, T.A., Yin, Y.W. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. (2004) [Pubmed]
  10. Crystal structure of an archaebacterial DNA polymerase. Zhao, Y., Jeruzalmi, D., Moarefi, I., Leighton, L., Lasken, R., Kuriyan, J. Structure (1999) [Pubmed]
  11. Kinetics of error generation in homologous B-family DNA polymerases. Hogg, M., Cooper, W., Reha-Krantz, L., Wallace, S.S. Nucleic Acids Res. (2006) [Pubmed]
  12. Autogenous translational operator recognized by bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Tuerk, C., Eddy, S., Parma, D., Gold, L. J. Mol. Biol. (1990) [Pubmed]
  13. Role of the first aspartate residue of the "YxDTDS" motif of phi29 DNA polymerase as a metal ligand during both TP-primed and DNA-primed DNA synthesis. Saturno, J., Lázaro, J.M., Blanco, L., Salas, M. J. Mol. Biol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  14. Molecular dynamics of a food carcinogen-DNA adduct in a replicative DNA polymerase suggest hindered nucleotide incorporation and extension. Zhang, L., Shapiro, R., Broyde, S. Chem. Res. Toxicol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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