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Gene Review

Six6  -  sine oculis-related homeobox 6

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Homeobox protein SIX6, Optic homeobox 2, Optx2, Sine oculis homeobox homolog 6, Six9, ...
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Disease relevance of Six6

  • In the adult mouse retina, Optx2 mRNA is found in cells within the ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer [1].

High impact information on Six6

  • The pattern of Grg5 expression in the mouse ventral forebrain and developing optic vesicles overlapped that previously reported for Six3 and Six6 [2].
  • Comparative analysis of Six 3 and Six 6 distribution in the developing and adult mouse brain [3].
  • Six 3, but not Six 6, is additionally expressed in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, midbrain, and cerebellum [3].
  • Six 3 and Six 6 genes are two closely related members of the Six/sine oculis family of homeobox containing transcription factors [3].
  • In Six6 injected embryos, the molecular identity of the presumptive midbrain and rostral hindbrain regions was lost, as shown by the absence of XEn-2 and Xpax2 expression, being replaced by the ectopic expression of the retinal markers Xpax6 and Xrx [4].

Biological context of Six6

  • Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that Six6 and Six3 belong to a separate group of homeobox-genes that are closely related to the recently identified Drosophila optix [5].

Anatomical context of Six6

  • When allowed to grow further, Six6 injected embryos developed ectopic eye-like structures in the rostral brain and showed a transformation of the midbrain into retina [4].
  • Six6 expression was detected in the neural retina, the optic chiasma and optic stalk, but not in the lens [5].
  • Earliest Six6 expression was detected in the floor of the diencephalic portion of the primitive forebrain, a region predicted to give rise to the neurohypophysis and to the hypothalamus [5].
  • We have genetically established that Six6 homeodomain factor, acting as a strong tissue-specific repressor, regulates early progenitor cell proliferation during mammalian retinogenesis and pituitary development [6].

Other interactions of Six6

  • When compared to Six6, Six3 expression pattern was highly similar, but with a generally broader transcripts distribution in the brain and in the visual system [5].


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