MeSH Review:
Optic Chiasm
- Dural enhancement and cerebral displacement secondary to intracranial hypotension. Fishman, R.A., Dillon, W.P. Neurology (1993)
- Extrinsic modulation of retinal ganglion cell projections: analysis of the albino mutation in pigmentation mosaic mice. Rice, D.S., Goldowitz, D., Williams, R.W., Hamre, K., Johnson, P.T., Tan, S.S., Reese, B.E. Dev. Biol. (1999)
- High-resolution anatomic, diffusion tensor, and magnetization transfer magnetic resonance imaging of the optic chiasm at 3T. Vinogradov, E., Degenhardt, A., Smith, D., Marquis, R., Vartanian, T.K., Kinkel, P., Maier, S.E., Hackney, D.B., Lenkinski, R.E. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. (2005)
- Carboplatin for the treatment of children with newly diagnosed optic chiasm gliomas: a phase II study. Aquino, V.M., Fort, D.W., Kamen, B.A. J. Neurooncol. (1999)
- Molecular mechanisms of optic axon guidance. Inatani, M. Naturwissenschaften (2005)
- Magnitude of binocular vision controlled by islet-2 repression of a genetic program that specifies laterality of retinal axon pathfinding. Pak, W., Hindges, R., Lim, Y.S., Pfaff, S.L., O'Leary, D.D. Cell (2004)
- Zic2 patterns binocular vision by specifying the uncrossed retinal projection. Herrera, E., Brown, L., Aruga, J., Rachel, R.A., Dolen, G., Mikoshiba, K., Brown, S., Mason, C.A. Cell (2003)
- Neuronal pathfinding is abnormal in mice lacking the neuronal growth cone protein GAP-43. Strittmatter, S.M., Fankhauser, C., Huang, P.L., Mashimo, H., Fishman, M.C. Cell (1995)
- Ephrin-B2 and EphB1 mediate retinal axon divergence at the optic chiasm. Williams, S.E., Mann, F., Erskine, L., Sakurai, T., Wei, S., Rossi, D.J., Gale, N.W., Holt, C.E., Mason, C.A., Henkemeyer, M. Neuron (2003)
- Slit1 and Slit2 cooperate to prevent premature midline crossing of retinal axons in the mouse visual system. Plump, A.S., Erskine, L., Sabatier, C., Brose, K., Epstein, C.J., Goodman, C.S., Mason, C.A., Tessier-Lavigne, M. Neuron (2002)
- Ghost-cell tumor of the optic chiasm. Primary CNS lymphoma. Gray, R.S., Abrahams, J.J., Hufnagel, T.J., Kim, J.H., Lesser, R.L., Spencer, D.D. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology. (1989)
- Optic chiasm glioma associated with inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, cerebral ischemia, nonobstructive hydrocephalus and chronic ascites following ventriculoperitoneal shunting. Tang, T.T., Whelan, H.T., Meyer, G.A., Strother, D.R., Blank, E.L., Camitta, B.M., Franciosi, R.A. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. (1991)
- belladonna/(Ihx2) is required for neural patterning and midline axon guidance in the zebrafish forebrain. Seth, A., Culverwell, J., Walkowicz, M., Toro, S., Rick, J.M., Neuhauss, S.C., Varga, Z.M., Karlstrom, R.O. Development (2006)
- The winged helix transcription factor Foxg1 facilitates retinal ganglion cell axon crossing of the ventral midline in the mouse. Pratt, T., Tian, N.M., Simpson, T.I., Mason, J.O., Price, D.J. Development (2004)
- Diagnosis of oculocutaneous albinism with molecular analysis. Summers, C.G., Oetting, W.S., King, R.A. Am. J. Ophthalmol. (1996)
- Randomized retinal ganglion cell axon routing at the optic chiasm of GAP-43-deficient mice: association with midline recrossing and lack of normal ipsilateral axon turning. Sretavan, D.W., Kruger, K. J. Neurosci. (1998)
- PDGF and its receptors in the developing rodent retina and optic nerve. Mudhar, H.S., Pollock, R.A., Wang, C., Stiles, C.D., Richardson, W.D. Development (1993)
- Immunocytochemical localization of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing cells and processes in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat: light and electron microscopic analysis. Card, J.P., Brecha, N., Karten, H.J., Moore, R.Y. J. Neurosci. (1981)
- Regional localization and subcellular compartmentalization of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in adult human brain. Parker, C.R., Porter, J.C. J. Neurochem. (1983)
- Immunocytochemical colocalization of hypothalamic progestin receptors and tyrosine hydroxylase in steroid-treated monkeys. Kohama, S.G., Freesh, F., Bethea, C.L. Endocrinology (1992)
- Retinal axon pathfinding in the optic chiasm: divergence of crossed and uncrossed fibers. Godement, P., Salaün, J., Mason, C.A. Neuron (1990)
- Axon routing at the optic chiasm after enzymatic removal of chondroitin sulfate in mouse embryos. Chung, K.Y., Taylor, J.S., Shum, D.K., Chan, S.O. Development (2000)
- The appearance of neural and glial cell markers during early development of the nervous system in the amphibian embryo. Messenger, N.J., Warner, A.E. Development (1989)
- Facilitation of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate receptor transmission in the suprachiasmatic nucleus by aniracetam enhances photic responses of the biological clock in rodents. Moriya, T., Ikeda, M., Teshima, K., Hara, R., Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, T., Allen, C.N., Shibata, S. J. Neurochem. (2003)
- The effect of basal hypothalamic isolation on pituitary-thyroid activity and the response to propylthiouracil. Fukuda, H., Greer, M.A. Endocrinology (1977)
- Foxd1 is required for proper formation of the optic chiasm. Herrera, E., Marcus, R., Li, S., Williams, S.E., Erskine, L., Lai, E., Mason, C. Development (2004)
- Six6 (Optx2) is a novel murine Six3-related homeobox gene that demarcates the presumptive pituitary/hypothalamic axis and the ventral optic stalk. Jean, D., Bernier, G., Gruss, P. Mech. Dev. (1999)
- The distribution of neurotransmitter-specific cells and fibers in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus: implications for the control of gonadotropin secretion in the rat. Simerly, R.B., Swanson, L.W. Brain Res. (1987)
- Developmental expression of the genes encoding transforming growth factor alpha and its receptor in the hypothalamus of female rhesus macaques. Ma, Y.J., Costa, M.E., Ojeda, S.R. Neuroendocrinology (1994)
- Actions of excitatory amino acid antagonists on geniculo-cortical transmission in the cat's visual cortex. Hagihara, K., Tsumoto, T., Sato, H., Hata, Y. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale. (1988)
- Bagolini striated glasses test and lesions of the optic chiasm. Hirai, T., Kondo, M., Takai, Y., Ota, Y., Sato, M., Miyake, Y. Binocular vision & strabismus quarterly. (2005)