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Gene Review

SAB1253  -  peptidase

Staphylococcus aureus RF122

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Disease relevance of SAB1253


High impact information on SAB1253

  • Staphylococcus aureus aminopeptidase S is a founding member of a new peptidase clan [6].
  • The NH2 terminus of bLPL was determined to be Asp by sequencing the intact protein with a gas phase sequencer for up to 30 residues, whereas the COOH terminus was identified as Gly through, carboxyl peptidase Y cleavage [7].
  • Sortase acts on surface proteins that are initiated into the secretion (Sec) pathway and have their signal peptide removed by signal peptidase [8].
  • Mutations were also obtained in recA and lsp (encoding the S. aureus prolipoprotein signal peptidase) [9].
  • Although lysostaphin, the prototypical peptidase in the group, is widely used as a tool in biotechnology and developed as an antistaphylococcal agent, the detailed structure of this enzyme is unknown [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of SAB1253


Biological context of SAB1253


Anatomical context of SAB1253

  • Lysostaphin, a peptidase produced by Staphylococcus simulans, specifically cleaves the glycine-glycine bonds unique to the interpeptide cross-bridge of the S. aureus cell wall [16].

Associations of SAB1253 with chemical compounds

  • The NH2 terminus of the thioesterase domain was determined to be lysine by sequencing the whole domain up to 20 residues while the COOH terminus was identified as serine through carboxyl peptidase Y cleavage [17].
  • The biosynthetic incorporation of selenomethionine and telluromethionine into pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase (PYRase) from S. aureus [13].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SAB1253


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