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Gene Review

Kitlg  -  KIT ligand

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Hematopoietic growth factor KL, Kit ligand, Kitl, MGF, Mast cell growth factor, ...
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Disease relevance of Kitl

  • Stem cell factor contributes to intestinal mucosal mast cell hyperplasia in rats infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis or Trichinella spiralis, but anti-stem cell factor treatment decreases parasite egg production during N brasiliensis infection [1].
  • Previous studies have shown that traumatic brain injury is associated with a profound decline in intracellular free magnesium (Mgf) and in total tissue magnesium (Mgt), the extent of Mgf decline being linearly correlated to the severity of injury and resultant neurological deficit [2].
  • A construct in which the proximal MGF binding site in the beta-casein promoter region has been inactivated by mutation and a construct regulated by the adenovirus major late promoter served as controls [3].
  • Pertussis toxin (PT) inhibited SCF-induced potentiation of IgE-dependent histamine secretion, indicating that PT-sensitive G-proteins are involved in the immediate effects of SCF [4].

High impact information on Kitl

  • Partial cDNA and genomic clones of rat stem cell factor (SCF) have been isolated [5].
  • Finally, using an oligonucleotide encompassing both the YY1 and MGF sites, we detected a slow-mobility complex only in extracts from mammary glands at late pregnancy and lactation (lactation-associated complex [LAC]) [6].
  • Second, it was demonstrated that extracts prepared from several cell types contained a protein(s) interacting with the mammary gland-specific factor (MGF) binding site, previously shown to be required for beta-casein promoter activity (Schmitt-Ney et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:3745-3755, 1991) [6].
  • Ethylnitrosourea-induced rat mammary tumor cell lines were transfected with vector containing either control (no insert, C-P), sense (S-P), or antisense (AS-P) SCF DNA [7].
  • The present results indicate that the signal transduction of the SCF/KIT system plays a crucial role in the development of oval cells, at least, in the rat AAF/PH model, and suggest that KIT-mediated signal transduction plays only a small role in determining the phenotype and in the proliferative activity of oval cells [8].

Biological context of Kitl

  • This response was selective and associated, in ethylene dimethane sulfonate-treated animals, with a decrease in the mRNA levels of stem cell factor (SCF), i.e. a key signal in spermatogenesis and a putative regulator of Leydig cell development [9].
  • Thus, the effects of ghrelin on SCF gene expression were evaluated [9].
  • Also, MGF is expressed with an early upregulation in loaded tendon tissue [10].
  • We investigated the inhibitory activity of nerve growth factor (NGF) on apoptosis of rat peritoneal mast cells (PMCs) and compared it with that of recombinant stem cell factor (rSCF), which is a mast cell growth factor [11].
  • A subsequent proliferative response to stem cell factor (SCF), the ligand for the proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase c-kit, is characterized by an initial maturation in immunophenotype and subsequent self-renewal of cells (SCF blasts) without differentiation for at least 50 generations [12].

Anatomical context of Kitl


Associations of Kitl with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Kitl


Other interactions of Kitl


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Kitl

  • Sequence analysis of this site revealed similarity to the gamma interferon-activated sequence, suggesting that MGF may be related to the stat91 signaling protein [6].
  • There was a good correlation between the binding of 3H-SCF and its biological activity, as evidenced by a selective suppression of basal FSH release in pituitary cell cultures [21].
  • The present study further characterized the binding of [3H]SCF to rat anterior pituitary in vitro and explored its potential use as a radioreceptor assay for SCF and other inhibin preparations [22].
  • Tritium-labeled SCF (3H-SCF), synthesized by rat Sertoli cells in vitro in the presence of 3H-leucine and partly purified by Sephadex gel chromatography, was used to the ligand [21].
  • Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated the presence of stem cell factor (SCF) in proliferating oval cells during 6 weeks of copper depletion, and Northern blot analysis revealed the expression of liver-enriched transcription factors in the rat pancreas during this 4-6-week period of copper deficiency [23].


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