Gene Review:
jup-b - junction plakoglobin
Xenopus laevis
arvd12, ctnng, dp3, dpiii, jup, ...
- A homolog of the armadillo protein in Drosophila (plakoglobin) associated with E-cadherin. McCrea, P.D., Turck, C.W., Gumbiner, B. Science (1991)
- Plakoglobin is required for maintenance of the cortical actin skeleton in early Xenopus embryos and for cdc42-mediated wound healing. Kofron, M., Heasman, J., Lang, S.A., Wylie, C.C. J. Cell Biol. (2002)
- Identification of plakoglobin in oocytes and early embryos of Xenopus laevis: maternal expression of a gene encoding a junctional plaque protein. Fouquet, B., Zimbelmann, R., Franke, W.W. Differentiation (1992)
- Membrane-anchored plakoglobins have multiple mechanisms of action in Wnt signaling. Klymkowsky, M.W., Williams, B.O., Barish, G.D., Varmus, H.E., Vourgourakis, Y.E. Mol. Biol. Cell (1999)
- Desmosomal cadherin binding domains of plakoglobin. Witcher, L.L., Collins, R., Puttagunta, S., Mechanic, S.E., Munson, M., Gumbiner, B., Cowin, P. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- The armadillo homologs beta-catenin and plakoglobin are differentially expressed during early development of Xenopus laevis. DeMarais, A.A., Moon, R.T. Dev. Biol. (1992)
- Localizing the adhesive and signaling functions of plakoglobin. Rubenstein, A., Merriam, J., Klymkowsky, M.W. Dev. Genet. (1997)
- Anterior axis duplication in Xenopus induced by the over-expression of the cadherin-binding protein plakoglobin. Karnovsky, A., Klymkowsky, M.W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1995)
- Cytoplasmically anchored plakoglobin induces a WNT-like phenotype in Xenopus. Merriam, J.M., Rubenstein, A.B., Klymkowsky, M.W. Dev. Biol. (1997)
- The roles of maternal alpha-catenin and plakoglobin in the early Xenopus embryo. Kofron, M., Spagnuolo, A., Klymkowsky, M., Wylie, C., Heasman, J. Development (1997)
- Misexpression of the catenin p120(ctn)1A perturbs Xenopus gastrulation but does not elicit Wnt-directed axis specification. Paulson, A.F., Fang, X., Ji, H., Reynolds, A.B., McCrea, P.D. Dev. Biol. (1999)