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Occipital Bone

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Disease relevance of Occipital Bone


High impact information on Occipital Bone

  • Homeotic transformation of the occipital bones of the skull by ectopic expression of a homeobox gene [3].
  • The Gravettian occipital bone from the site of Malladetes (Barx, Valencia, Spain) [4].
  • The fetal brain disruption sequence is a recognizable pattern of defects that includes moderate to profound microcephaly, overlapping sutures, occipital bone prominence, and scalp rugae [5].
  • CONCLUSION: This report confirms the interest of the CCD method to correct all types of upper cervical instabilities, even in cases of unusual thinning of the occipital bone or in osteoporotic states [6].
  • When the calvariae were organ-cultured in the presence of BMP-2, the territory of the cartilaginous tissue was markedly increased, and covered most of the occipital bone [7].

Biological context of Occipital Bone


Anatomical context of Occipital Bone


Associations of Occipital Bone with chemical compounds

  • Metastatic RPNs lay in the level of occipital bone in five patients, C1 in nine, and C2 in five [10].
  • Excision of the occipital bone lesion and a short course of acetazolamide and prednisone were curative [11].
  • The incidences of ossification defects of the sternebrae aned occipital bones were increased by gestational exposure of rats to styrene oxide [12].
  • Among the injuries seen were fractures of the hyoid cornua, styloid processes, occipital bones, and cervical vertebral bodies (C2) and transverse processes (C1, C2, C3, and C5) [13].
  • In both cases, the endochondral-derived components of the occipital bone (the basioccipital, the two lateral parts, and the planum nuchale of the squama occipitalis) have failed to grow properly and are smaller and shorter than normal [14].

Gene context of Occipital Bone

  • CONCLUSION: It is necessary to give attention to the position of the fixed occipital bone and axis during procedures of occipitoaxial fusion for patients with rheumatoid arthritis [15].
  • Though all cases showed a uniform finding of a midline defect of the occipital bone with a herniated mass, the extent of the bony defect, the amount and nature of the herniated tissues and the degree of distortion of the intracranial structures varied markedly [16].
  • Aneurysmal bone cysts of the occipital bone [17].
  • The thickness of the calvarian bones, especially the frontal and occipital bones, was greater in WS than in normal controls [18].
  • Bilateral large intradiploic epidermoid tumors of the occipital bone presented clinically with CSF rhinorrhea are presented [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Occipital Bone

  • This approach leaves a superior bone flap, which may be left attached to the occipital bone via a flexible posterior hinge region, or completely detached by continuing the osteotomy across the midline [20].


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