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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
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Disease relevance of Cannibalism


High impact information on Cannibalism

  • It is thought that BSE is a result of cannibalism in which faulty industrial practices produced prion-contaminated feed for cattle [2].
  • Cannibalistic cells appeared to be of SCCL origin. "Cannibalism" is never observed in serum-free cultures but can be reinduced by serum exposure [3].
  • Effects of genetic-environmental interactions on plasma dopamine (DA) concentrations were studied in White Leghorn chickens selected for both high (HGPS) or low (LGPS) group productivity and survivability resulting from cannibalism and flightiness [4].
  • Genetic variation in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge was studied in chicken lines divergently selected for high (HGPS) and low (LGPS) group productivity and survivability resulting from cannibalism and flightiness in colony cages and in a Dekalb XL (DXL) commercial line [5].
  • Laboratory studies of Melanoplus sanguinipes demonstrated that fipronil was horizontally transferred at lethal levels (p < 0.05) via cannibalism through four passages when the initial dose applied to a food source was 250 times the label rate for rangeland grasshopper and locust control (label rate is 4 g AI/ha) [6].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cannibalism


Biological context of Cannibalism


Anatomical context of Cannibalism

  • It is likely that "cannibalism" may contribute to the frequent failure to establish SCCL cell lines in serum-containing medium [3].

Gene context of Cannibalism

  • In studies of transmission of PRV by cannibalism, either latently infected or acutely infected tissue was fed to both domestic and feral-derived pigs [13].


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