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Medicare Part B

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Disease relevance of Medicare Part B

  • OBJECTIVE--A three-year demonstration was fielded in three states to evaluate the cost to Medicare of a therapeutic shoes benefit for Medicare Part B beneficiaries with severe diabetic foot disease [1].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Medicare Part B claims have a high sensitivity for detecting melanoma incidence; Medicare Part A has low sensitivity [2].
  • Today, while patients with ESRD represent only 0.25 percent of Medicare beneficiaries, they consume approximately 10 percent of the Medicare Part B budget [3].
  • To assess the impact of these guidelines on clinical practice, we evaluated data on hematocrits, recombinant human erythropoietin dosing, hemodialysis adequacy, and simple fistula and dialysis catheter utilization using Medicare dialysis provider claims and Medicare Part B physician services [4].

Psychiatry related information on Medicare Part B


High impact information on Medicare Part B


Biological context of Medicare Part B


Associations of Medicare Part B with chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Medicare Part B


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