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Disease relevance of Infanticide


Psychiatry related information on Infanticide

  • Oxytocin levels among expectant fathers did not differ between parental and nonparental males or between infanticidal and noninfanticidal males, suggesting that plasma oxytocin may not be involved in the prepartum onset of paternal behavior or the inhibition of infanticide [3].
  • Both copulation and postcopulatory cohabitation with pregnant females reduce infanticide and enhance paternal responsiveness in male CS1 mice [4].

High impact information on Infanticide

  • Fluprazine inhibits intermale attack and infanticide, but not predation, in male mice [5].
  • The latter result was interpreted as showing that ER alpha activation by testosterone during the perinatal period may exert a suppressive effect on testosterone-inducible infanticide in adulthood [6].
  • Healthy aged adult (24-26 months of age) and young adult (2-4 months of age) c57BL/6J male mice were assessed for intermale aggression, pup-killing behavior (infanticide), and circulating levels of testosterone (T) [7].
  • Furthermore, 73% of ArKO males showed infanticide toward pups, whereas characteristic parental behavior, but not infanticide, was observed in wild-type males [8].
  • Pretreatment of infanticidal females with the prolactin inhibitors, bromocriptine and cysteamine, was also without effect on the ability of oxytocin to inhibit infanticide [9].

Biological context of Infanticide

  • Here, we studied whether a part of the Y chromosome, the Sxr locus, has an effect on induction of motivation for parental care (pup retrieval) or of parental aggression towards pups (infanticide) [10].

Associations of Infanticide with chemical compounds

  • It is tentatively proposed that strain differences in spontaneous and steroid aroused infanticide in female mice may be related to differences in the prenatal hormone environment [11].
  • Infanticide, the killing of young, is one of a number of sexually-dimorphic traits in mice that is dependent upon androgen stimulation during perinatal life and during adulthood [12].
  • Urinary estrogen (EC) and progesterone metabolite (PdG) excretion patterns demonstrated that the female resumed ovarian cycling soon after the infanticide [13].
  • Evidence for infanticide in bottlenose dolphins of the western North Atlantic [14].
  • Widespread concern over India's missing girls. Selective abortion and female infanticide cause girl-to-boy ratios to plummet [15].

Gene context of Infanticide

  • In the current experiment, oxytocin administered intracerebroventricularly was equally as effective at inhibiting infanticide as sc oxytocin [9].
  • Three subsequent infanticides covered up as SIDS [16].
  • Oxytocin, but not PGF, was effective in inhibiting infanticide in previously infanticidal virgin females [17].
  • Approximately 20-30% of adult, 60-70 day old, dBA/2J male mice exhibit infanticide toward standard stimulus 1-3 day old Rockland-Swiss Albino mouse pups, while 50-80% of adult C57BL/6J males display the behavior [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Infanticide


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  2. The nursery's littlest victims. Hundreds of cases of 'crib death,' or SIDS, may in fact be infanticide. Begley, S. Newsweek. (1997) [Pubmed]
  3. Oxytocin changes in males over the reproductive cycle in the monogamous, biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Gubernick, D.J., Winslow, J.T., Jensen, P., Jeanotte, L., Bowen, J. Hormones and behavior. (1995) [Pubmed]
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  6. Modifications of testosterone-dependent behaviors by estrogen receptor-alpha gene disruption in male mice. Ogawa, S., Washburn, T.F., Taylor, J., Lubahn, D.B., Korach, K.S., Pfaff, D.W. Endocrinology (1998) [Pubmed]
  7. Intermale aggression and infanticide in aged C57BL/6J male mice: behavioral deficits are not related to serum testosterone (T) levels and are not recovered by supplemental T. Svare, B., Mann, M., Broida, J., Kinsley, C., Ghiraldi, L., Miele, J., Konen, C. Neurobiol. Aging (1983) [Pubmed]
  8. Alteration in sex-specific behaviors in male mice lacking the aromatase gene. Matsumoto, T., Honda, S., Harada, N. Neuroendocrinology (2003) [Pubmed]
  9. Oxytocin inhibits infanticide in female house mice (Mus domesticus). McCarthy, M.M. Hormones and behavior. (1990) [Pubmed]
  10. Sry does not fully sex-reverse female into male behavior towards pups. Reisert, I., Karolczak, M., Beyer, C., Just, W., Maxson, S.C., Ehret, G. Behav. Genet. (2002) [Pubmed]
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  13. Behavioral and endocrine dynamics associated with infanticide in a black and white colobus monkey (Colobus guereza). Harris, T.R., Monfort, S.L. Am. J. Primatol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  14. Evidence for infanticide in bottlenose dolphins of the western North Atlantic. Dunn, D.G., Barco, S.G., Pabst, D.A., McLellan, W.A. J. Wildl. Dis. (2002) [Pubmed]
  15. Widespread concern over India's missing girls. Selective abortion and female infanticide cause girl-to-boy ratios to plummet. Sharma, D.C. Lancet (2003) [Pubmed]
  16. Three subsequent infanticides covered up as SIDS. Bohnert, M., Grosse Perdekamp, M., Pollak, S. Int. J. Legal Med. (2005) [Pubmed]
  17. Infanticide and parental behavior in wild female house mice: effects of ovariectomy, adrenalectomy and administration of oxytocin and prostaglandin F2 alpha. McCarthy, M.M., Bare, J.E., vom Saal, F.S. Physiol. Behav. (1986) [Pubmed]
  18. Genotypic influences on infanticide in mice: environmental, situational and experiential determinants. Svare, B., Broida, J. Physiol. Behav. (1982) [Pubmed]
  19. Social and hormonal factors influencing infanticide and its suppression in adult male Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus). Brown, R.E. Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) (1986) [Pubmed]
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