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Gene Review

Oxt  -  oxytocin

Mus musculus

Synonyms: OT, OT-NPI, Oxy, Oxytocin-neurophysin 1
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Disease relevance of Oxt

  • Having observed elevated OT levels in the fetal and newborn heart at a stage of intense cardiomyocyte hyperplasia, we hypothesized a role for OT in cardiomyocyte differentiation [1].
  • Oxytocin inhibits the progression of human ovarian carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo [2].
  • OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to examine the effects of OT on both behavioral and autonomic parameters of the anxiety response in male mice using three pharmacologically validated preclinical models of anxiety: the four-plate test (FPT), elevated zero maze (EZM), and stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) [3].
  • Continuous infusion of OT revealed that OT can either delay labor at low doses or initiate preterm labor at high doses [4].
  • Results show that OTKO -/- mice are characterized by 1) hypotension, suggesting that OT is involved in tonic BP maintenance; 2) enhanced baroreflex gain over a small BP range, suggesting that OT extends the functional range of arterial baroreceptor reflex; and 3) shift in autonomic balance, indicating that OT reduces the sympathetic reserve [5].
  • Our results support the importance of Oxt neurons in feeding regulation and suggest that reduced Oxt neuropeptide is one mechanism mediating the hyperphagic obesity of Sim1(+/-) mice [6].

Psychiatry related information on Oxt


High impact information on Oxt


Chemical compound and disease context of Oxt


Biological context of Oxt


Anatomical context of Oxt

  • We thus propose here a four-gene micronet, which links hypothalamic and limbic forebrain neurons in the estrogen control over the OT regulation of social recognition [24].
  • In the female rat, oestrogen receptor (ER) beta is colocalized with both oxytocin- and vasopressin-producing neurones in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) [25].
  • The intracerebroventricular administration of OT, but not vehicle, artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF), produced a robust increase in grooming behavior in both OT null and wild type animals, P<.001 [26].
  • Western blot analysis revealed a 48 kDa V1a and a 55 kDa OXT receptor immunoreactive band that was expressed in tissue obtained from L1-L6 sections of spinal cord [27].
  • With the use of an en bloc in vitro preparation of mouse spinal cord (2-3 d old), which either was isolated completely or had muscles of the hindlimb left intact, we show that the bath application of AVP or OXT can evoke an increase in population bursting of motoneurons recorded from the lumbar ventral roots [27].

Associations of Oxt with chemical compounds

  • Thus, we compared the effect of ovarian hormones on oxytocin and vasopressin mRNA expression in the PVN of wild-type (WT) and ERbeta knockout (betaERKO) mice [25].
  • In addition, reelin is critical to the development of the GABAergic system and GABA modulates the release of OT [28].
  • Collectively, these data point to a novel role for AVP and OXT in the activation of spinal motor networks [27].
  • In contrast, simultaneous oxytocin and COX-1 deficiency restored the normal onset of labor by allowing luteolysis in the absence of elevated PGF2alpha production [29].
  • In this work, P19 cells were allowed to aggregate from day 0 to day 4 in the presence of 0.5% DMSO, 10(-7) M OT and/or 10(-7) M OT antagonist (OTA), and then cultured in the absence of these factors until day 14 [1].

Physical interactions of Oxt

  • OT receptor distribution and binding in brains of OT null and wild type mice were examined by autoradiography and were not significantly different [26].

Co-localisations of Oxt

  • Neuronal NOS was exclusively colocalized with OT in the PVN and the SON, suggesting that NO is mainly synthesized by oxytocinergic neurons in mice [30].
  • We reported previously that leptin was co-localized with oxytocin and vasopressin [31].

Regulatory relationships of Oxt


Other interactions of Oxt

  • These data suggest a developmental role for the OXT/OXTR system in shaping adult aggressive behavior [37].
  • An estrogen-dependent four-gene micronet regulating social recognition: a study with oxytocin and estrogen receptor-alpha and -beta knockout mice [24].
  • These results suggest that ERbeta is necessary for the regulation of the expression of oxytocin in the PVN [25].
  • Experimental evidence suggests that AVP improves, and OT impairs, learning and memory [8].
  • In addition, when we applied AVP or OXT in combination with a 5-HT2 agonist, bouts of locomotor-like activity could be observed in a majority of preparations [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Oxt


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