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Chemical Compound Review

Becaptan     2-aminoethanethiol

Synonyms: Mercamin, Merkamin, Mercamine, CYSTEAMINE, Cysteinamine, ...
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Disease relevance of Mercaptamine


Psychiatry related information on Mercaptamine


High impact information on Mercaptamine


Chemical compound and disease context of Mercaptamine


Biological context of Mercaptamine

  • Cysteamine-induced ulceration in EGF(-/-) mice was used to examine its role in mucosal cytoprotection [3].
  • We find that the 5,5'-dithobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)-coupled assay method for cysteamine S-phosphate hydrolysis is not suitable for serum, and we were unable to confirm the existence of this isoenzyme in serum by this assay method [19].
  • The data suggest that oxidative stress by cysteamine can be synergistic with the conditioning heat treatment at 44 degrees C which induces thermotolerance [20].
  • The kinetics of thermotolerance induction and the time to reach the maximum of thermotolerance expression after combined cysteamine treatment at 44 degrees C for 15 min was found to be comparable to the effects of 44 degrees C treatment alone for 30 min [20].
  • Studies with synchronized Chinese hamster cells heated at 43 degrees for 1 hr in the presence of 16 mM cysteamine demonstrated that the potentiation of heat killing occurred in all phases of the cell cycle [21].

Anatomical context of Mercaptamine


Associations of Mercaptamine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Mercaptamine


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mercaptamine


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