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Food Contamination

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Disease relevance of Food Contamination


High impact information on Food Contamination

  • The mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is considered to be a major causative agent in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in regions with presumed high food contamination by AFB1 [2].
  • Although differences in analytic methods and participant ages limit comparability, toxicant levels from the Mohawk youth are lower than those associated with severe food contamination (Yusho and Yu-cheng) but similar to other chronically exposed groups [3].
  • Because indoor fluoride from combustion of coal is easily absorbed in stored food and because food consumption is a main source of fluoride exposure, it is necessary to reduce airborne fluoride and food contamination to prevent serious fluorosis in China [4].
  • Cadmium was sixfold more toxic for snails exposed via food contamination (median effective concentration [EC50], 68-139 microg/g) than via soil contamination (EC50, 534-877 microg/g), whereas the opposite occurred with the sewage sludge (EC50, 55% of sludge in the food and 10% of waste in the soil) [5].
  • A controversial discussion is going on if thujone, a characteristic component of the essential oil of the wormwood plant Artemisia absinthium L., is responsible for absinthism, or if it was merely caused by chronic alcohol intoxication or by other reasons such as food adulterations [6].

Biological context of Food Contamination


Associations of Food Contamination with chemical compounds


Gene context of Food Contamination

  • Although organochlorine pesticides such as DDT and HCH have been banned in China since 1983, the residues of such compounds still exist in the environment and cause food contamination, a fact likely attributed to the short prohibition period and illegal use for agricultural purposes at present [13].


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  11. Organochlorine pesticide and polychlorinated biphenyl residues in foodstuffs from Bangkok, Thailand. Tanabe, S., Kannan, K., Tabucanon, M.S., Siriwong, C., Ambe, Y., Tatsukawa, R. Environ. Pollut. (1991) [Pubmed]
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