MeSH Review:
Food Contamination
- p53 gene mutations and 17p allelic deletions in hepatocellular carcinoma from Japan. Nose, H., Imazeki, F., Ohto, M., Omata, M. Cancer (1993)
- The p53 codon 249 mutational hotspot in hepatocellular carcinoma is not related to selective formation or persistence of aflatoxin B1 adducts. Denissenko, M.F., Koudriakova, T.B., Smith, L., O'Connor, T.R., Riggs, A.D., Pfeifer, G.P. Oncogene (1998)
- Organochlorines, lead, and mercury in Akwesasne Mohawk youth. Schell, L.M., Hubicki, L.A., DeCaprio, A.P., Gallo, M.V., Ravenscroft, J., Tarbell, A., Jacobs, A., David, D., Worswick, P. Environ. Health Perspect. (2003)
- Health effects of indoor fluoride pollution from coal burning in China. Ando, M., Tadano, M., Asanuma, S., Tamura, K., Matsushima, S., Watanabe, T., Kondo, T., Sakurai, S., Ji, R., Liang, C., Cao, S. Environ. Health Perspect. (1998)
- How terrestrial snails can be used in risk assessment of soils. de Vaufleury, A., Coeurdassier, M., Pandard, P., Scheifler, R., Lovy, C., Crini, N., Badot, P.M. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. (2006)
- Thujone--cause of absinthism? Lachenmeier, D.W., Emmert, J., Kuballa, T., Sartor, G. Forensic Sci. Int. (2006)
- Probabilistic intake assessment and body burden estimation of dioxin-like substances in background conditions and during a short food contamination episode. Vrijens, B., De Henauw, S., Dewettinck, K., Talloen, W., Goeyens, L., De Backer, G., Willems, J.L. Food additives and contaminants. (2002)
- The possibility of food contamination with cadmium by means of coloured plastics. Preda, N., Popa, L., Ariesan, M. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT. (1983)
- Foodstuffs and human blood contamination by the mycotoxin ochratoxin A: correlation with chronic interstitial nephropathy in Tunisia. Maaroufi, K., Achour, A., Betbeder, A.M., Hammami, M., Ellouz, F., Creppy, E.E., Bacha, H. Arch. Toxicol. (1995)
- Implications of the use of semicarbazide as a metabolic target of nitrofurazone contamination in coated products. Pereira, A.S., Donato, J.L., De Nucci, G. Food additives and contaminants. (2004)
- Organochlorine pesticide and polychlorinated biphenyl residues in foodstuffs from Bangkok, Thailand. Tanabe, S., Kannan, K., Tabucanon, M.S., Siriwong, C., Ambe, Y., Tatsukawa, R. Environ. Pollut. (1991)
- Estimation of menthol in Pan Masala samples by a spectrophotometric method. Kannan, A., Das, M., Khanna, S.K. Food additives and contaminants. (1997)
- 2001 survey of organochlorine pesticides in retail milk from Beijing, P R China. Zhong, W., Xu, D., Chai, Z., Mao, X. Food additives and contaminants. (2003)