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Family Health

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Disease relevance of Family Health

  • SETTING--Merton, Sutton, and Wandsworth Family Health Services Authority, which covers parts of inner and outer London. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Percentage of eligible women aged 50-64 who attended for mammography during the first round of screening for breast cancer (1991-1994) [1].
  • National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data also had revealed that BCG coverage was 64.3%; measles was 36.2%; and coverage by DPT 1, 2, 3 and Polio 1,2 and 3 were 64.4%, 57.0%, 46.6% and 77.5%, 71.1% and 54.4% respectively in rural areas [2].

High impact information on Family Health

  • Personal and family health history were not related to the decision, but history of abnormal biopsy did predict tamoxifen use [3].
  • METHODS: A random sample of 1864 men and women aged 20-44 years, drawn from family health service registers in Cambridge, Ipswich and Norwich, was invited to answer a detailed questionnaire, undergo skin prick tests and methacholine bronchial challenge, and provide a serum sample for measurement of total and specific IgE [4].
  • Thirty-five percent of children had incomplete or unavailable family health history and/or unknown parental cholesterol status [5].
  • In this study, the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test was used as part of a health screening interview of patients attending a South Texas family health clinic [6].
  • The family health records (FHR) of each selected PHC were reviewed and a list of the elderly (60 years and over) was compiled [7].

Biological context of Family Health

  • The study examined the variation in annual night visiting rates, based on night visit fees claimed between April 1993 and March 1994, among 129 general practices in Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth Family Health Services Authority, London. RESULTS [8].
  • The shift in focus on men's reproductive health was influenced by the 1994 Cairo (ICPD) Action Plan to promote gender equality and equity, empower women, and improve family health in society [9].

Associations of Family Health with chemical compounds

  • Such collaboration produced the 11th Street Family Health Services of Drexel University serving the most vulnerable census tracts in Pennsylvania [10].
  • Fifty-one healthy, contracepting, mutually monogamous couples were recruited between June 30 and November 24, 1993 to use a prototype roll-on polyurethane condom developed by Family Health International. Couples were to use the condoms for 10 consecutive acts of vaginal intercourse over a 4-week period [11].
  • They detail how this approach was employed to design a family health history Web site, Health Heritage <>. This Web site helps patients record and maintain their family health histories in a secure, confidential manner [12].

Gene context of Family Health

  • File data from the NACA Family Health Center was also analyzed [13].
  • Those with family health problems, younger age at start of primary school, good nutritional status and poor school performance more often had DSM-IV ADHD symptoms [14].
  • Family health in tribal aborigines. The use of the vernacular "KAP" test [15].
  • The plethora of new, effective and expensive pharmaceutical treatments should lead to a raising of epilepsy awareness among the medical profession as a consequence of marketing activity, but this is already causing conflict with Family Health Service Associations (FHSAs) and others with equivalent lack of vision [16].
  • A retrospective analysis of the UCLA Family Health Center Research Data Base was performed to determine the relationship between completion rates of screening mammography and various patient demographic, clinical, and financial factors [17].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Family Health

  • SETTING--Merton, Sutton, and Wandsworth Family Health Services Authority, which covers parts of inner and outer London. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Percentage of women aged 25-64 years registered with a general practitioner who had undergone a cervical smear test during the five and a half years preceding 31 March 1992 [18].


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