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Chemical Compound Review

Mecholine     2-acetyloxypropyl-trimethyl- azanium

Synonyms: Mecholin, Methacholin, methacholine, Methacholinum, CHEMBL978, ...
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Disease relevance of methacholine


Psychiatry related information on methacholine


High impact information on methacholine


Chemical compound and disease context of methacholine


Biological context of methacholine


Anatomical context of methacholine


Associations of methacholine with other chemical compounds

  • The vasodilative response to the endothelium-dependent vasodilator, methacholine chloride, was depressed in the hypercholesterolemic group, whereas endothelium-independent vasodilation, induced by nitroprusside, was similar in each group [25].
  • VAS/FEV1 slopes for bradykinin but not for methacholine correlated negatively with the magnitude of eosinophilic inflammation in airway mucosa [26].
  • Superfusion with 10 muM methacholine alone had no effect on ANP secretion, but rapidly attenuated norepinephrine-stimulated secretion by 67% [27].
  • To determine whether kinin production is required for the development of airway hyperresponsiveness induced by cationic proteins, dose-response curves to methacholine were constructed before and 1 h after intratracheal instillation of either MBP or poly-L-lysine (100 micrograms) [28].
  • The geometric mean concentrations of arecoline and methacholine that caused 20% falls in the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (PC20 FEV1) in the asthmatic subjects were 5.2 mg/ml and 1.6 mg/ml, respectively [29].

Gene context of methacholine


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of methacholine


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