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Disease relevance of Angioplasty

  • We compared the efficacy of immediate coronary angioplasty after acute myocardial infarction with that of elective angioplasty at 7 to 10 days in patients treated initially with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator [1].
  • Bivalirudin was at least as effective as high-dose heparin in preventing ischemic complications in patients who underwent angioplasty for unstable angina, and it carried a lower risk of bleeding [2].
  • Improved cardiac functional status after sustained successful coronary angioplasty was demonstrated by an almost normal capacity on bicycle exercise testing and the absence of ischemia during thallium isotope studies in 80 per cent [3].
  • End-point data were available for 56 patients randomly assigned to receive tissue plasminogen activator (mean [+/- SD] time to start of infusion, 232 +/- 174 minutes after the onset of chest pain) and 47 patients randomly assigned to receive angioplasty (first balloon inflation at 277 +/- 144 minutes) [4].
  • We used the search terms heart failure, congestive; congestive heart failure; heart failure; cardiac failure; and dilated cardiomyopathy in conjunction with the terms coronary artery bypass grafting and angioplasty [5].

Psychiatry related information on Angioplasty


High impact information on Angioplasty

  • We designed this study to evaluate the effect of lowering plasma homocysteine levels on restenosis after coronary angioplasty [9].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with a combination of folic acid, vitamin B12, and pyridoxine significantly reduces homocysteine levels and decreases the rate of restenosis and the need for revascularization of the target lesion after coronary angioplasty [9].
  • As compared with the patients who were treated with angioplasty and usual care, the patients who received atorvastatin had a significantly longer time to the first ischemic event (P=0.03) [10].
  • This difference resulted from a smaller mean (+/-SD) minimal luminal diameter in the angioplasty group (1.85+/-0.56 mm) than in the stent group (2.04+/-0.66 mm), with a mean difference of 0.19 mm (P=0.01) at follow-up [11].
  • Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockade after coronary angioplasty [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Angioplasty


Biological context of Angioplasty


Anatomical context of Angioplasty


Associations of Angioplasty with chemical compounds

  • Of the 15 myocardial regions with defects on redistribution studies that were identified as viable by reinjection studies before angioplasty, 13 (87 percent) had normal thallium uptake and improved regional wall motion after angioplasty [28].
  • These patients had total cholesterol levels ranging from 160 to 300 mg per deciliter (4.1 to 7.8 mmol per liter) and were undergoing coronary angioplasty [29].
  • Probucol and multivitamins in the prevention of restenosis after coronary angioplasty [30].
  • Local effect of serotonin released during coronary angioplasty [18].
  • Coronary bypass surgery was needed in 7.5 percent of the patients in the pravastatin group and 10 percent of those in the placebo group, a 26 percent reduction (P=0.005), and coronary angioplasty was needed in 8.3 percent of the pravastatin group and 10.5 percent of the placebo group, a 23 percent reduction (P=0.01) [31].

Gene context of Angioplasty

  • More importantly, the observation that PDE1C is induced only in proliferating SMCs suggests that it may be both an indicator of proliferation and a possible target for treatment of atherosclerosis or restenosis after angioplasty, conditions in which proliferation of arterial SMCs is negatively modulated by cyclic nucleotides [32].
  • A parallel but marked increase in ETA and ETB receptor mRNAs compared with preproET-1 and -3 messages was observed after angioplasty [33].
  • The increase in ETB receptor mRNA occurred slightly earlier than the increase in ETA receptor mRNA, showing 15.1-fold increase at 1 day (P < .001) and 11.3-fold increase at 3 days (P < .01) after angioplasty [33].
  • A similarly delayed increase in preproET-3 mRNA was observed at 7 days (2.8-fold increase, P < .05) and 14 days (2.6-fold increase, P < .05) after angioplasty [33].
  • Thus, VSMC proliferation after angioplasty in the rat carotid artery is associated with a temporally and spatially coordinated expression of cdk2, cyclins E and A, and PCNA [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Angioplasty


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  18. Local effect of serotonin released during coronary angioplasty. Golino, P., Piscione, F., Benedict, C.R., Anderson, H.V., Cappelli-Bigazzi, M., Indolfi, C., Condorelli, M., Chiariello, M., Willerson, J.T. N. Engl. J. Med. (1994) [Pubmed]
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