Chemical Compound Review:
Germacrene D (1Z,6Z)-1-methyl-5- methylidene-8-propan-2...
AC1NT0OY, 37839-63-7
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- Enantiospecific (+)- and (-)-germacrene D synthases, cloned from goldenrod, reveal a functionally active variant of the universal isoprenoid-biosynthesis aspartate-rich motif. Prosser, I., Altug, I.G., Phillips, A.L., König, W.A., Bouwmeester, H.J., Beale, M.H. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2004)
- Rapid determination of volatile constituents of Michelia alba flowers by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with solid-phase microextraction. Shang, C., Yaoming, H., Deng, C., Hu, K. Journal of chromatography. A. (2002)
- (-)-Germacrene D increases attraction and oviposition by the tobacco budworm moth Heliothis virescens. Mozuraitis, R., Stranden, M., Ramirez, M.I., Borg-Karlson, A.K., Mustaparta, H. Chem. Senses (2002)
- Study of the Essential Oil from Juniperus communis "Berries" (Cones) Growing Wild in Greece. Chatzopoulou, P.S., Katsiotis, S.T. Planta Med. (1993)
- (-)-Germacrene D receptor neurones in three species of heliothine moths: structure-activity relationships. Stranden, M., Liblikas, I., König, W.A., Almaas, T.J., Borg-Karlson, A.K., Mustaparta, H. Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology. (2003)
- Biosynthesis of the irregular monoterpene artemisia ketone, the sesquiterpene germacrene D and other isoprenoids in Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae). Umlauf, D., Zapp, J., Becker, H., Adam, K.P. Phytochemistry (2004)
- Biosynthesis of the sesquiterpene germacrene D in Solidago canadensis: 13C and (2)H labeling studies. Steliopoulos, P., Wüst, M., Adam, K.P., Mosandl, A. Phytochemistry (2002)
- Olfactory receptor responses of the nymphal American cockroach to sex pheromones and their mimics. Nishino, C., Kimura, R. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology. (1982)
- Solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry and multistage mass spectrometry experiments in the characterization of germacrene D. Gioacchini, A.M., Menotta, M., Polidori, E., Giomaro, G., Stocchi, V. Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS. (2002)