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Disease relevance of Moths


High impact information on Moths

  • Moreover, several volatile compounds are released exclusively at night and are highly repellent to female moths (Heliothis virescens) [5].
  • Some interneurones in the antennal lobes of female moths that have received grafts of male antennae (gynandromorphs) respond postsynaptically to stimulation with bombykal, a major component of the pheromone [6].
  • Hormonal release of programmed behavior in silk moths: probable mediation by cyclic AMP [7].
  • The effects of the hormone were duplicated by the injection of dibutyryl adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate, adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP), or guanosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) into theophylline-treated pharate moths [7].
  • Circadian clock neurons in the silkmoth Antheraea pernyi: novel mechanisms of Period protein regulation [8].

Biological context of Moths


Anatomical context of Moths


Associations of Moths with chemical compounds

  • The biogenic amine octopamine did not elicit pheromone production in isolated gland or abdomen bioassays or when injected into intact female moths [18].
  • The C10-C18 unsaturated, acyclic, aliphatic compounds that contain an oxygenated functional group (alcohol, aldehyde, or acetate ester) are a major class of sex pheromones produced by female moths [19].
  • Our results contrast dramatically with the prevailing hypothesis that the large majority of late-season moths are produced from larvae feeding on cotton, soybean, and other C3 plants [20].
  • In one October sample, 100% of the moths originated from C4 hosts even though C4 crops were harvested at least 1 mo earlier, and no common wild C4 hosts were available [20].
  • The insecticide diflubenzuron (DFB) is commonly used in various mid-Atlantic states for suppression of gypsy moths in hardwood forests [21].

Gene context of Moths

  • We cloned Clock, Bmal, and Timeless homologs (apClock, apBmal, and apTimeless) from the silkmoth Antheraea pernyi, from which a Period homolog (apPeriod) has already been cloned [22].
  • The ecdysone receptor(1), which is a heterodimer of EcR and the retinoic acid receptor (RXR) homolog, Ultraspiracle (USP), has been well studied in the evolutionarily advanced and derived insects, the flies and moths [23].
  • Inhibition studies revealed no apparent differences in sensitivity of AChE enzymes from resistant and susceptible moths to organophosphorus compounds (OPs), carbamate insecticides and quaternary ammonium ligands [24].
  • Characterization of JDP genes, an evolutionarily conserved J domain-only protein family, from human and moths [25].
  • Identification of PLC beta and PKC in pheromone receptor neurons of Antheraea polyphemus [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Moths

  • Sensillum lymph perfusion experiments in the moth Antheraea polyphemus implied a solubilizer and carrier function of the pheromone-binding protein (PBP) and led to the conclusion that it is the pheromone-PBP complex which activates the postulated receptors [27].


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