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Gene Review

Shank1  -  SH3/ankyrin domain gene 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 1
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Disease relevance of Shank1


High impact information on Shank1

  • GluRdelta2 bound directly to the PDZ domain of Shank proteins through an internal motif in the carboxyl-terminal putative cytoplasmic domain [4].
  • Abstract Cortactin is an F-actin-associated protein which interacts with the postsynaptic scaffolding protein Shank at the SH3 domain and is localized within the dendritic spine in the mouse neuron [5].
  • Chimerism, i.e., differing eGFP levels, was evident between corresponding right and left muscles, between adjacent back, body wall, limb (shank, foot), and extraocular muscles and among myofibers within these muscles [6].
  • Shank proteins assemble glutamate receptors with their intracellular signaling apparatus and cytoskeleton at the postsynaptic density [7].
  • Medium spiny neurons coexpressed CaV1.3-interacting Shank isoforms that colocalized with PSD-95 and CaV1.3a channels in puncta resembling spines on which glutamatergic corticostriatal synapses are formed [8].

Anatomical context of Shank1

  • Direct interaction of GluRdelta2 with Shank scaffold proteins in cerebellar Purkinje cells [4].
  • Scapula length and width, humerus length and os coxae width reached the maximum growth rate at a later age than the forearm and shank, and showed no sexual difference in their growth, although those bones presented larger adult sizes for male than female [9].
  • The inflammatory reactions elicited in mice by subcutaneous injections of IFA and CFA had opposite effects when tested on local metacarpal shank bones and the distal epiphysis of shank bones [10].

Associations of Shank1 with chemical compounds

  • Transfected Shank protein recruits functional glutamate receptors, increases the number and size of synaptic contacts, and increases amplitude, frequency, and the AMPA component of miniature EPSCs, similar to what is observed during synapse developmental maturation [7].

Other interactions of Shank1

  • The modulation also was disrupted by application of peptides targeting the Shank interaction with Homer [8].
  • At maturity we calculated that a single excitatory postsynaptic site contains 100-450 of individual postsynaptic proteins, such as PSD-95, GKAP, Shank and Homer [11].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Shank1

  • One denervation protocol was designed to inhibit reinnervation of the shank muscles, the other to promote reinnervation [12].


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