Gene Review:
CFDP1 - craniofacial development protein 1
Gallus gallus
- Identification and developmental expression analysis of a novel homeobox gene closely linked to the mouse Twirler mutation. Liu, H., Liu, W., Maltby, K.M., Lan, Y., Jiang, R. Gene Expr. Patterns (2006)
- Retinoic acid treatment alters the distribution of retinoic acid receptor-beta transcripts in the embryonic chick face. Rowe, A., Richman, J.M., Brickell, P.M. Development (1991)
- A transposable element-mediated gene divergence that directly produces a novel type bovine Bcnt protein including the endonuclease domain of RTE-1. Iwashita, S., Osada, N., Itoh, T., Sezaki, M., Oshima, K., Hashimoto, E., Kitagawa-Arita, Y., Takahashi, I., Masui, T., Hashimoto, K., Makalowski, W. Mol. Biol. Evol. (2003)
- Evolutionary conservation and murine embryonic expression of the gene encoding the SERTA domain-containing protein CDCA4 (HEPP). Bennetts, J.S., Fowles, L.F., Berkman, J.L., van Bueren, K.L., Richman, J.M., Simpson, F., Wicking, C. Gene (2006)
- Expression and regulation of chicken fibroblast growth factor homologous factor (FHF)-4 during craniofacial morphogenesis. Muñoz-Sanjuán, I., Cooper, M.K., Beachy, P.A., Fallon, J.F., Nathans, J. Dev. Dyn. (2001)
- Genetic influences on craniofacial outcome in an avian model of prenatal alcohol exposure. Su, B., Debelak, K.A., Tessmer, L.L., Cartwright, M.M., Smith, S.M. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. (2001)
- Brain, eye, and face defects as a result of ectopic localization of Sonic hedgehog protein in the developing rostral neural tube. Nasrallah, I., Golden, J.A. Teratology (2001)