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Cleft Lip

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Disease relevance of Cleft Lip


Psychiatry related information on Cleft Lip


High impact information on Cleft Lip

  • Mutation of PVRL1 is associated with sporadic, non-syndromic cleft lip/palate in northern Venezuela [7].
  • Cleft lip and palate with the anticonvulsant ethotoin [8].
  • The developmental abnormalities produced in offspring of this model are similar to some of the malformations observed in cases of human "fetal hydantoin syndrome." Placing pregnant A/J mice in a hyperoxic chamber after phenytoin injection greatly reduces the incidence of phenytoin-induced cleft lip and palate [9].
  • Maternal hyperoxia greatly reduces the incidence of phenytoin-induced cleft lip and palate in A/J mice [9].
  • Periconceptional supplementation with vitamins and folic acid to prevent recurrence of cleft lip [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cleft Lip


Biological context of Cleft Lip

  • From 278 interviews of women who had infants with selected major malformations, a history of diazepam ingestion in the first trimester of pregnancy was found to be four times more frequent among mothers of children with a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate than among mothers of children with other defects [2].
  • Evidence, from family studies, for linkage disequilibrium between TGFA and a gene for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate [15].
  • Most (but not all) studies have found weak but significant association between restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the transforming growth factor alpha (TGFA) locus on chromosome 2p13 and nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL +/- P) [16].
  • McNemar analysis for case-matched control pairs indicated a somewhat higher maternal metronidazole treatment in the second-third months of gestation in nine cases with cleft lip with or without cleft palate, but it was not possible to exclude the recall bias [17].
  • Nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCLP) is one of the most common human malformations with an average prevalence of 1 in 1,000 live births [18].

Anatomical context of Cleft Lip


Gene context of Cleft Lip

  • Moreover, conditional inactivation of the Bmp4 gene using the Nestin cre transgenic line resulted in isolated cleft lip [24].
  • With likelihood ratio test analysis, "cleft lip only" showed association with MSX1 (p = 0.04) and "cleft palate only" with TGFB3 (p = 0.02) [25].
  • An allelic association between the transforming growth factor alpha gene (TGFA) situated in the chromosome 2p13 region and nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate, also named orofacial cleft (OFC), was found in several population studies [26].
  • Our independent study group confirms that the IRF6 locus is associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without palate [27].
  • Cleft lip embryos recovered in 2.4% of 1485 first backcross (BC1) segregants from a cross of A/WySnJ (24% cleft lip) and C57BL/6J (no cleft lip) in A/WySnJ mothers, and in testcrosses of 10 recombinant inbred (RI) strains (AXB/Pgn or BXA/Pgn), were used for gene mapping and for inference of genetic architecture [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cleft Lip


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