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Gene Review

GLI1  -  GLI family zinc finger 1

Gallus gallus

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Disease relevance of GLI1


High impact information on GLI1

  • This dominant interference mutant disrupts Shh, Gli1 and Otx2 mRNA patterning and inhibits anterior development when expressed in the dorsal side of zygotes, which is rescued by co-injecting wild-type Xrel3 mRNA [2].
  • Our analysis of expression of putative components of the Shh pathway, gli1, gli3 and coupTFII shows that genes regulated by Shh are either ectopically expressed or no longer responsive to Shh signals in talpid3 limbs, suggesting possible bifurcation in the Shh pathway [3].
  • We also describe genetic mapping of gli1, ptc, shh and smoothened in chickens and confirm by co-segregation analysis that none of these genes correspond to talpid3 [3].
  • Sonic hedgehog up-regulates GLI transcription, while down-regulating GLI3 expression in the mesenchymal cells of the developing limb bud [4].
  • An important gene epistatic to hedgehog is cubitus interruptus, which encodes the fly homolog of a family of vertebrate putative transcription factors, the GLI genes [4].

Anatomical context of GLI1

  • Here, we reveal that the Gli genes are asymmetrically expressed in Hensen's node: Gli1 and Gli2, are expressed on the left side, while Gli3 is expressed on the right side [5].
  • In the brainstem, a study using immunohistochemistry revealed that GLI perikarya were present in the nucleus motorius nervi facialis pars dosalis, nucleus motoris dorsalis nervi vagi and nucleus tractus solitarii [6].
  • We show that Shh expression domains are lost from the talpid(3) head--in hindbrain, midbrain, zona limitans intrathalamica, and stomodeal ectoderm--and that direct targets of Hedgehog signaling, Ptc1, Ptc2, and Gli1, are also absent even in areas associated with primary Shh expression [7].


  1. Analysis of glia cell differentiation in the developing chick peripheral nervous system: sensory and sympathetic satellite cells express different cell surface antigens. Rüdel, C., Rohrer, H. Development (1992) [Pubmed]
  2. Xrel3 is required for head development in Xenopus laevis. Lake, B.B., Ford, R., Kao, K.R. Development (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. Expression of ptc and gli genes in talpid3 suggests bifurcation in Shh pathway. Lewis, K.E., Drossopoulou, G., Paton, I.R., Morrice, D.R., Robertson, K.E., Burt, D.W., Ingham, P.W., Tickle, C. Development (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Sonic hedgehog differentially regulates expression of GLI and GLI3 during limb development. Marigo, V., Johnson, R.L., Vortkamp, A., Tabin, C.J. Dev. Biol. (1996) [Pubmed]
  5. Asymmetric expression of Gli transcription factors in Hensen's node. Granata, A., Quaderi, N.A. Gene Expr. Patterns (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Distribution of proglucagon mRNA and GLP-1 in the brainstem of chicks. Tachibana, T., Hiramatsu, K., Furuse, M., Hasegawa, S., Yoshizawa, F., Sugahara, K. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  7. Craniofacial development in the talpid3 chicken mutant. Buxton, P., Davey, M.G., Paton, I.R., Morrice, D.R., Francis-West, P.H., Burt, D.W., Tickle, C. Differentiation (2004) [Pubmed]
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