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Ganglia, Sympathetic

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Disease relevance of Ganglia, Sympathetic


High impact information on Ganglia, Sympathetic

  • In the anlagen of the enteric nervous system and the sympathetic ganglia, Phox2b is needed for the expression of the GDNF-receptor subunit Ret and for maintaining Mash1 expression [6].
  • Similarly, injection or expression of G beta gamma subunits in sympathetic ganglion neurons induces facilitation and occludes modulation of N-type channels by noradrenaline, but G alpha subunits do not [7].
  • In the two types of principal neurones in frog sympathetic ganglia, B and C cells, a twofold difference in the mean open time of the nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh-gated) ion channels accounts for the twofold difference in the decay rate of their fast excitatory postsynaptic currents (e.p.s.cs) [8].
  • Calcium transients associated with either intracellular release or the inward movement of Ca2+ across the membrane have been recorded in molluscan neurons and more recently in neurones of bullfrog sympathetic ganglia [9].
  • In bullfrog sympathetic ganglia, acetylcholine (ACh) release from presynaptic nerve terminals is potentiated for a long time by adrenaline through a cyclic AMP system [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ganglia, Sympathetic


Biological context of Ganglia, Sympathetic


Anatomical context of Ganglia, Sympathetic


Associations of Ganglia, Sympathetic with chemical compounds


Gene context of Ganglia, Sympathetic


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ganglia, Sympathetic


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