Gene Review:
GLI3 - GLI family zinc finger 3
Homo sapiens
ACLS, GCPS, GLI3 form of 190 kDa, GLI3 full length protein, GLI3-190, ...
Ruiz i Altaba,
Walsh Vockley,
- Gli proteins encode context-dependent positive and negative functions: implications for development and disease. Ruiz i Altaba, A. Development (1999)
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a patient with Greig cephalopolysyndactyly and interstitial deletion of chromosome 7 del(7)(p11.2 p14) involving the GLI3 and ZNFN1A1 genes. Mendoza-Londono, R., Kashork, C.D., Shaffer, L.G., Krance, R., Plon, S.E. Genes Chromosomes Cancer (2005)
- Boy with syndactylies, macrocephaly, and severe skeletal dysplasia: not a new syndrome, but two dominant mutations (GLI3 E543X and COL2A1 G973R) in the same individual. Sobetzko, D., Eich, G., Kalff-Suske, M., Grzeschik, K.H., Superti-Furga, A. Am. J. Med. Genet. (2000)
- GLI3 is not mutated commonly in sporadic medulloblastomas. Erez, A., Ilan, T., Amariglio, N., Muler, I., Brok-Simoni, F., Rechavi, G., Izraeli, S. Cancer (2002)
- Functional Smoothened is required for expression of GLI3 in colorectal carcinoma cells. Zhu, Y., James, R.M., Peter, A., Lomas, C., Cheung, F., Harrison, D.J., Bader, S.A. Cancer Lett. (2004)
- GLI3 mutations in human disorders mimic Drosophila cubitus interruptus protein functions and localization. Shin, S.H., Kogerman, P., Lindström, E., Toftgárd, R., Biesecker, L.G. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999)
- Quality of life outcomes of saquinavir, zalcitabine and combination saquinavir plus zalcitabine therapy for adults with advanced HIV infection with CD4 counts between 50 and 300 cells/mm3. Revicki, D.A., Swartz, C., Wu, A.W., Haubrich, R., Collier, A.C. Antivir. Ther. (Lond.) (1999)
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- Gonadal mosaicism in severe Pallister-Hall syndrome. Ng, D., Johnston, J.J., Turner, J.T., Boudreau, E.A., Wiggs, E.A., Theodore, W.H., Biesecker, L.G. Am. J. Med. Genet. A (2004)
- Long-term improvement in pain coping for cLBP and gonarthrosis patients following body needle acupuncture: a prospective cohort study. Kukuk, P., Lungenhausen, M., Molsberger, A., Endres, H.G. Eur. J. Med. Res. (2005)
- Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A as a marker of acute coronary syndromes. Bayes-Genis, A., Conover, C.A., Overgaard, M.T., Bailey, K.R., Christiansen, M., Holmes, D.R., Virmani, R., Oxvig, C., Schwartz, R.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (2001)
- GLI3 frameshift mutations cause autosomal dominant Pallister-Hall syndrome. Kang, S., Graham, J.M., Olney, A.H., Biesecker, L.G. Nat. Genet. (1997)
- Mutation in GLI3 in postaxial polydactyly type A. Radhakrishna, U., Wild, A., Grzeschik, K.H., Antonarakis, S.E. Nat. Genet. (1997)
- Mediator modulates gli3-dependent sonic hedgehog signaling. Zhou, H., Kim, S., Ishii, S., Boyer, T.G. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006)
- Serum screening for Down's syndrome between 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. International Prenatal Screening Research Group. Wald, N.J., George, L., Smith, D., Densem, J.W., Petterson, K. British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. (1996)
- Hemodynamic responses of broiler pulmonary vasculature to intravenously infused serotonin. Chapman, M.E., Wideman, R.F. Poult. Sci. (2002)
- GLI3 encodes a 190-kilodalton protein with multiple regions of GLI similarity. Ruppert, J.M., Vogelstein, B., Arheden, K., Kinzler, K.W. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1990)
- Point mutations in human GLI3 cause Greig syndrome. Wild, A., Kalff-Suske, M., Vortkamp, A., Bornholdt, D., König, R., Grzeschik, K.H. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1997)
- GLI3-dependent transcriptional repression of Gli1, Gli2 and kidney patterning genes disrupts renal morphogenesis. Hu, M.C., Mo, R., Bhella, S., Wilson, C.W., Chuang, P.T., Hui, C.C., Rosenblum, N.D. Development (2006)
- Molecular and clinical analyses of Greig cephalopolysyndactyly and Pallister-Hall syndromes: robust phenotype prediction from the type and position of GLI3 mutations. Johnston, J.J., Olivos-Glander, I., Killoran, C., Elson, E., Turner, J.T., Peters, K.F., Abbott, M.H., Aughton, D.J., Aylsworth, A.S., Bamshad, M.J., Booth, C., Curry, C.J., David, A., Dinulos, M.B., Flannery, D.B., Fox, M.A., Graham, J.M., Grange, D.K., Guttmacher, A.E., Hannibal, M.C., Henn, W., Hennekam, R.C., Holmes, L.B., Hoyme, H.E., Leppig, K.A., Lin, A.E., Macleod, P., Manchester, D.K., Marcelis, C., Mazzanti, L., McCann, E., McDonald, M.T., Mendelsohn, N.J., Moeschler, J.B., Moghaddam, B., Neri, G., Newbury-Ecob, R., Pagon, R.A., Phillips, J.A., Sadler, L.S., Stoler, J.M., Tilstra, D., Walsh Vockley, C.M., Zackai, E.H., Zadeh, T.M., Brueton, L., Black, G.C., Biesecker, L.G. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (2005)
- De novo GLI3 mutation in acrocallosal syndrome: broadening the phenotypic spectrum of GLI3 defects and overlap with murine models. Elson, E., Perveen, R., Donnai, D., Wall, S., Black, G.C. J. Med. Genet. (2002)
- Proteolytic degradation of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins by ovarian follicles: a control mechanism for selection of dominant follicles. Spicer, L.J. Biol. Reprod. (2004)
- IGF-I differentially regulates IGF-binding protein expression in primary mammary fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Fleming, J.M., Leibowitz, B.J., Kerr, D.E., Cohick, W.S. J. Endocrinol. (2005)
- Cell surface adhesion of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A is mediated by four clusters of basic residues located in its third and fourth CCP module. Weyer, K., Overgaard, M.T., Laursen, L.S., Nielsen, C.G., Schmitz, A., Christiansen, M., Sottrup-Jensen, L., Giudice, L.C., Oxvig, C. Eur. J. Biochem. (2004)
- Gli2 and Gli3 localize to cilia and require the intraflagellar transport protein polaris for processing and function. Haycraft, C.J., Banizs, B., Aydin-Son, Y., Zhang, Q., Michaud, E.J., Yoder, B.K. PLoS Genet. (2005)
- Identification and regulation of the IGFBP-4 protease and its physiological inhibitor in human trophoblasts and endometrial stroma: evidence for paracrine regulation of IGF-II bioavailability in the placental bed during human implantation. Giudice, L.C., Conover, C.A., Bale, L., Faessen, G.H., Ilg, K., Sun, I., Imani, B., Suen, L.F., Irwin, J.C., Christiansen, M., Overgaard, M.T., Oxvig, C. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2002)
- Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-a is the insulin-like growth factor binding protein-4 protease secreted by human ovarian granulosa cells and is a marker of dominant follicle selection and the corpus luteum. Conover, C.A., Faessen, G.F., Ilg, K.E., Chandrasekher, Y.A., Christiansen, M., Overgaard, M.T., Oxvig, C., Giudice, L.C. Endocrinology (2001)
- Stress-activated signaling pathways mediate the stimulation of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A expression in cultured human fibroblasts. Resch, Z.T., Oxvig, C., Bale, L.K., Conover, C.A. Endocrinology (2006)
- Sonic Hedgehog-induced activation of the Gli1 promoter is mediated by GLI3. Dai, P., Akimaru, H., Tanaka, Y., Maekawa, T., Nakafuku, M., Ishii, S. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- Holoprosencephaly and preaxial polydactyly associated with a 1.24 Mb duplication encompassing FBXW11 at 5q35.1. Koolen, D.A., Herbergs, J., Veltman, J.A., Pfundt, R., van Bokhoven, H., Stroink, H., Sistermans, E.A., Brunner, H.G., Geurts van Kessel, A., de Vries, B.B. J. Hum. Genet. (2006)
- Asymmetric expression of Gli transcription factors in Hensen's node. Granata, A., Quaderi, N.A. Gene Expr. Patterns (2005)
- Expression of the PTCH1 tumor suppressor gene is regulated by alternative promoters and a single functional Gli-binding site. Agren, M., Kogerman, P., Kleman, M.I., Wessling, M., Toftgård, R. Gene (2004)
- Localization of genes and anonymous DNA probes on the short arm of chromosome 7. Wagner, K., Kroisel, P.M., Rosenkranz, W. Mamm. Genome (1992)