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Gene Review

FGFR2  -  fibroblast growth factor receptor 2

Gallus gallus

Synonyms: BEK, cek3
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High impact information on FGFR2

  • Comparison with the chicken FGF receptor genes suggests that flg-2 is homologous to cek-2, whereas flg and bek are homologous to cek-1 and cek-3, respectively [1].
  • Deducing the amino acid sequence of chicken-bek allowed us to predict that it encodes for a receptor tyrosine kinase related to the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor, and that the chicken-bek gene and Cek3 are closely related [2].
  • Single-stranded RNA probes for the three chicken fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors, cek-1, cek-2, and cek-3, in conjunction with in situ hybridization were used to characterize the distribution of the corresponding mRNAs in the developing chicken embryo [3].
  • These functional studies, together with our tissue distribution studies, suggest that FGF-mediated signaling (other than FGF-8), through interactions with FGF receptor-2 and downstream target genes including Msx genes, is part of the signaling pathway that mediates the growth-promoting interactions in the medial region of the developing mandible [4].
  • A little later, FGFR2 and FGFR3 are additionally expressed in the anterior midbrain and within the hindbrain [5].

Biological context of FGFR2


Anatomical context of FGFR2

  • While expression of FGFR2 was observed in both surface ectoderm and mesenchymal aggregates corresponding to the future bones of the limb, the mesenchyme between the feather placode, and surface ectoderm of feather buds [7].
  • Expression of FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR3 during early neural development in the chick embryo [5].
  • The expression patterns of two distinct types of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) genes, FGFR1 and FGFR2, were compared during early chick eye development [8].
  • In contrast, FGFR2 was expressed predominantly in the periocular mesenchyme of a 2.5 day-old embryo [8].
  • In the 5.5-day-old embryo, transcripts of FGFR2 were detected in the prospective corneal epithelium [8].

Other interactions of FGFR2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FGFR2

  • FGF-R2 transcript is also detected by Northern blots of RNA of the whole retina until embryonic day 6 [10].
  • However, the re-expression after embryonic day 11 of FGF-R2 could only be demonstrated by PCR studies [10].


  1. Flg-2, a new member of the family of fibroblast growth factor receptors. Avivi, A., Zimmer, Y., Yayon, A., Yarden, Y., Givol, D. Oncogene (1991) [Pubmed]
  2. Isolation of chicken-bek and a related gene; identification of structural variation in the ligand-binding domains of the FGF-receptor family. Sato, M., Kitazawa, T., Iwai, T., Seki, J., Sakato, N., Kato, J., Takeya, T. Oncogene (1991) [Pubmed]
  3. Different members of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family are specific to distinct cell types in the developing chicken embryo. Patstone, G., Pasquale, E.B., Maher, P.A. Dev. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  4. Region- and stage-specific effects of FGFs and BMPs in chick mandibular morphogenesis. Mina, M., Wang, Y.H., Ivanisevic, A.M., Upholt, W.B., Rodgers, B. Dev. Dyn. (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. Expression of FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR3 during early neural development in the chick embryo. Walshe, J., Mason, I. Mech. Dev. (2000) [Pubmed]
  6. Tissue-specific expression of Fgfr2b and Fgfr2c isoforms, Fgf10 and Fgf9 in the developing chick mandible. Havens, B.A., Rodgers, B., Mina, M. Arch. Oral Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. Differential expression of three chick FGF receptor genes, FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR3, in limb and feather development. Noji, S., Koyama, E., Myokai, F., Nohno, T., Ohuchi, H., Nishikawa, K., Taniguchi, S. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. (1993) [Pubmed]
  8. Expression patterns of two fibroblast growth factor receptor genes during early chick eye development. Ohuchi, H., Koyama, E., Myokai, F., Nohno, T., Shiraga, F., Matsuo, T., Matsuo, N., Taniguchi, S., Noji, S. Exp. Eye Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
  9. Signalling via type IA and type IB bone morphogenetic protein receptors (BMPR) regulates intramembranous bone formation, chondrogenesis and feather formation in the chicken embryo. Ashique, A.M., Fu, K., Richman, J.M. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  10. Spatial and temporal expression patterns of FGF receptor genes type 1 and type 2 in the developing chick retina. Tcheng, M., Fuhrmann, G., Hartmann, M.P., Courtois, Y., Jeanny, J.C. Exp. Eye Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
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