Gene Review:
Cdh6 - cadherin 6
Mus musculus
Cadherin-6, K-cadherin, Kidney cadherin, cad6, cadherin-6
- Expression of cadherin-8 in renal cell carcinoma and fetal kidney. Blaschke, S., Mueller, C.A., Markovic-Lipkovski, J., Puch, S., Miosge, N., Becker, V., Mueller, G.A., Klein, G. Int. J. Cancer (2002)
- Isolation of complementary DNA encoding K-cadherin, a novel rat cadherin preferentially expressed in fetal kidney and kidney carcinoma. Xiang, Y.Y., Tanaka, M., Suzuki, M., Igarashi, H., Kiyokawa, E., Naito, Y., Ohtawara, Y., Shen, Q., Sugimura, H., Kino, I. Cancer Res. (1994)
- BARX2 induces cadherin 6 expression and is a functional suppressor of ovarian cancer progression. Sellar, G.C., Li, L., Watt, K.P., Nelkin, B.D., Rabiasz, G.J., Stronach, E.A., Miller, E.P., Porteous, D.J., Smyth, J.F., Gabra, H. Cancer Res. (2001)
- Early neocortical regionalization in the absence of thalamic innervation. Miyashita-Lin, E.M., Hevner, R., Wassarman, K.M., Martinez, S., Rubenstein, J.L. Science (1999)
- Cadherin-6 mediates the heterotypic interactions between the hemopoietic osteoclast cell lineage and stromal cells in a murine model of osteoclast differentiation. Mbalaviele, G., Nishimura, R., Myoi, A., Niewolna, M., Reddy, S.V., Chen, D., Feng, J., Roodman, D., Mundy, G.R., Yoneda, T. J. Cell Biol. (1998)
- Over-expression of the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan versican is associated with defective neural crest migration in the Pax3 mutant mouse (splotch). Henderson, D.J., Ybot-Gonzalez, P., Copp, A.J. Mech. Dev. (1997)
- Role of cadherins in maintaining the compartment boundary between the cortex and striatum during development. Inoue, T., Tanaka, T., Takeichi, M., Chisaka, O., Nakamura, S., Osumi, N. Development (2001)
- Biochemical characterization and functional analysis of two type II classic cadherins, cadherin-6 and -14, and comparison with E-cadherin. Shimoyama, Y., Takeda, H., Yoshihara, S., Kitajima, M., Hirohashi, S. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- Neuronal circuits are subdivided by differential expression of type-II classic cadherins in postnatal mouse brains. Suzuki, S.C., Inoue, T., Kimura, Y., Tanaka, T., Takeichi, M. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (1997)
- Cadherin-6 expression transiently delineates specific rhombomeres, other neural tube subdivisions, and neural crest subpopulations in mouse embryos. Inoue, T., Chisaka, O., Matsunami, H., Takeichi, M. Dev. Biol. (1997)
- Differential expression and function of cadherin-6 during renal epithelium development. Cho, E.A., Patterson, L.T., Brookhiser, W.T., Mah, S., Kintner, C., Dressler, G.R. Development (1998)
- Fate mapping of the mouse prosencephalic neural plate. Inoue, T., Nakamura, S., Osumi, N. Dev. Biol. (2000)