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Gene Review

Cdh6  -  cadherin 6

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Cadherin-6, K-cadherin, Kidney cadherin, cad6, cadherin-6
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Disease relevance of Cdh6


High impact information on Cdh6


Biological context of Cdh6


Anatomical context of Cdh6

  • In the midbrain and anterior hindbrain of E8.0-8.5 embryos, cad6 was expressed only in neural crest-generating regions [10].
  • Cadherin-6 expression transiently delineates specific rhombomeres, other neural tube subdivisions, and neural crest subpopulations in mouse embryos [10].
  • Neural crest cells expressing cad6 migrated out of the neural tube, and subsequently accumulated mainly along peripheral nerves [10].
  • In contrast, in the posterior hindbrain and contiguous spinal cord of these embryos, cad6 occurred throughout the neural plate, forming a sharp anterior limit at the future rhombomere 4 and 5 boundary [10].
  • Differential expression and function of cadherin-6 during renal epithelium development [11].

Regulatory relationships of Cdh6


Other interactions of Cdh6

  • In E8.0-8.5 Hoxa-1 mutants, cad6 expression was suppressed in the region of rhombomeres 4 to 6, although that in the other regions was not essentially affected [10].
  • We also studied Hoxa-3 mutants, but found no effect of this mutation on the cad6 expression pattern [10].
  • The newly formed epithelium of the renal vesicle expresses E-cadherin near the ureteric bud tips and cadherin-6 more distally, suggesting that this primitive epithelium is already patterned with respect to progenitor cell types [11].
  • The proximal tubule progenitors express cadherin-6, the distal tubule cells express E-cadherin, whereas the glomeruli express P-cadherin [11].
  • Coincident with restriction of cell intermingling, expression of a transcription factor, Pax6, and a cell adhesion molecule, cadherin-6, commmenced to demarcate the forebrain compartment [12].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cdh6

  • Mammalian cadherin-6 (K-cadherin, cad6) was originally identified by means of the polymerase chain reaction, but its biological functions have not yet been determined [10].
  • Moreover, expression of dominant-negative or antisense cadherin-6/2 construct in bone marrow-derived mouse stromal ST2 cells, which express only cadherin-6/2, markedly impaired their ability to support osteoclast formation in a mouse coculture model of osteoclastogenesis [5].
  • 5. Interestingly, when a group of cells with exogenous cadherin-6 were generated to straddle the cortico-straital boundary by electroporation at embryonic day 11.0, ectopic cadherin-6-expressing cortical cells were sorted into the striatal compartment, and the reverse was the trend for ectopic R-cadherin-expressing striatal cells [7].
  • Northern blot analysis revealed a high level of expression of K-cadherin mRNA in fetal rat kidney and brain, and rat kidney carcinoma with two major transcripts, 4.1 and 8.0 kilobases in size, whereas there was very weak or no expression in any organ of adult rats [2].
  • In the developing kidney, in situ hybridization showed localization of K-cadherin mRNA in the nephroblastic epithelial cells of comma bodies coinciding with those in the process of polarization during glomeruloneogenesis [2].


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  2. Isolation of complementary DNA encoding K-cadherin, a novel rat cadherin preferentially expressed in fetal kidney and kidney carcinoma. Xiang, Y.Y., Tanaka, M., Suzuki, M., Igarashi, H., Kiyokawa, E., Naito, Y., Ohtawara, Y., Shen, Q., Sugimura, H., Kino, I. Cancer Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
  3. BARX2 induces cadherin 6 expression and is a functional suppressor of ovarian cancer progression. Sellar, G.C., Li, L., Watt, K.P., Nelkin, B.D., Rabiasz, G.J., Stronach, E.A., Miller, E.P., Porteous, D.J., Smyth, J.F., Gabra, H. Cancer Res. (2001) [Pubmed]
  4. Early neocortical regionalization in the absence of thalamic innervation. Miyashita-Lin, E.M., Hevner, R., Wassarman, K.M., Martinez, S., Rubenstein, J.L. Science (1999) [Pubmed]
  5. Cadherin-6 mediates the heterotypic interactions between the hemopoietic osteoclast cell lineage and stromal cells in a murine model of osteoclast differentiation. Mbalaviele, G., Nishimura, R., Myoi, A., Niewolna, M., Reddy, S.V., Chen, D., Feng, J., Roodman, D., Mundy, G.R., Yoneda, T. J. Cell Biol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  6. Over-expression of the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan versican is associated with defective neural crest migration in the Pax3 mutant mouse (splotch). Henderson, D.J., Ybot-Gonzalez, P., Copp, A.J. Mech. Dev. (1997) [Pubmed]
  7. Role of cadherins in maintaining the compartment boundary between the cortex and striatum during development. Inoue, T., Tanaka, T., Takeichi, M., Chisaka, O., Nakamura, S., Osumi, N. Development (2001) [Pubmed]
  8. Biochemical characterization and functional analysis of two type II classic cadherins, cadherin-6 and -14, and comparison with E-cadherin. Shimoyama, Y., Takeda, H., Yoshihara, S., Kitajima, M., Hirohashi, S. J. Biol. Chem. (1999) [Pubmed]
  9. Neuronal circuits are subdivided by differential expression of type-II classic cadherins in postnatal mouse brains. Suzuki, S.C., Inoue, T., Kimura, Y., Tanaka, T., Takeichi, M. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (1997) [Pubmed]
  10. Cadherin-6 expression transiently delineates specific rhombomeres, other neural tube subdivisions, and neural crest subpopulations in mouse embryos. Inoue, T., Chisaka, O., Matsunami, H., Takeichi, M. Dev. Biol. (1997) [Pubmed]
  11. Differential expression and function of cadherin-6 during renal epithelium development. Cho, E.A., Patterson, L.T., Brookhiser, W.T., Mah, S., Kintner, C., Dressler, G.R. Development (1998) [Pubmed]
  12. Fate mapping of the mouse prosencephalic neural plate. Inoue, T., Nakamura, S., Osumi, N. Dev. Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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