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Gene Review

chb  -  chromosome bows

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: 0686/07, BcDNA:LD31673, CG32435, CLASP, CLIP-associating protein, ...
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High impact information on chb


Biological context of chb

  • Here we provide evidence that MAST/Orbit is required for functional kinetochore attachment, chromosome congression, and the maintenance of spindle bipolarity [3].
  • MAST/Orbit has a role in microtubule-kinetochore attachment and is essential for chromosome alignment and maintenance of spindle bipolarity [3].
  • Similarly, soon after depletion of MAST/Orbit in Drosophila S2 cells by double-stranded RNA interference, cells are unable to form a metaphase plate and instead assemble monopolar spindles with chromosomes localized close to the center of the aster [3].
  • A role for the Orbit protein in regulating microtubule behavior in mitosis is suggested by its association with microtubules throughout the spindle at all mitotic stages, by its copurification with microtubules from embryonic extracts, and by the finding that the Orbit protein directly binds to MAP-free microtubules in a GTP-dependent manner [4].
  • Orbit/Mast, the CLASP orthologue of Drosophila, is required for asymmetric stem cell and cystocyte divisions and development of the polarised microtubule network that interconnects oocyte and nurse cells during oogenesis [5].

Anatomical context of chb

  • Finally the Orbit/Mast protein is required during mid-oogenesis for the organisation of the polarised microtubule network inside the 16-cell cyst that ensures oocyte differentiation [5].

Other interactions of chb

  • Antagonistic activities of Klp10A and Orbit regulate spindle length, bipolarity and function in vivo [6].


  1. Drosophila CLASP is required for the incorporation of microtubule subunits into fluxing kinetochore fibres. Maiato, H., Khodjakov, A., Rieder, C.L. Nat. Cell Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. The microtubule plus end tracking protein Orbit/MAST/CLASP acts downstream of the tyrosine kinase Abl in mediating axon guidance. Lee, H., Engel, U., Rusch, J., Scherrer, S., Sheard, K., Van Vactor, D. Neuron (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. MAST/Orbit has a role in microtubule-kinetochore attachment and is essential for chromosome alignment and maintenance of spindle bipolarity. Maiato, H., Sampaio, P., Lemos, C.L., Findlay, J., Carmena, M., Earnshaw, W.C., Sunkel, C.E. J. Cell Biol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Orbit, a novel microtubule-associated protein essential for mitosis in Drosophila melanogaster. Inoue, Y.H., do Carmo Avides, M., Shiraki, M., Deak, P., Yamaguchi, M., Nishimoto, Y., Matsukage, A., Glover, D.M. J. Cell Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. Orbit/Mast, the CLASP orthologue of Drosophila, is required for asymmetric stem cell and cystocyte divisions and development of the polarised microtubule network that interconnects oocyte and nurse cells during oogenesis. Máthé, E., Inoue, Y.H., Palframan, W., Brown, G., Glover, D.M. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
  6. Antagonistic activities of Klp10A and Orbit regulate spindle length, bipolarity and function in vivo. Laycock, J.E., Savoian, M.S., Glover, D.M. J. Cell. Sci. (2006) [Pubmed]
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