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Gene Review

SIN1  -  SAP kinase-interacting protein 1

Ovis aries

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High impact information on SIN1

  • Sin1 mRNA occurs in at least two alternatively spliced forms, the smaller of which lacks a 108-bp internal exon. ovSin1, although not exhibiting features of a membrane-spanning protein, such as IFNAR2, is concentrated predominantly in luminal and glandular epithelial cells of the uterine endometrium [1].
  • Sin1 provides a possible link among type I IFN action, stress-activated signaling pathways, and control of prostaglandin production [1].
  • Finally, in lipid-loaded smooth muscle cells, we demonstrate that SIN-1 stimulates arachidonic acid-induced PGE(2) production; albeit, the extent of activation is reduced compared to that under normal conditions [2].
  • Similarly, the nitric oxide donors molsidomine (100 microM), SIN-1 (100 microM) and NaNO2 (100 microM) did not inhibit betaEP release stimulated by 0.5 nM CRH/5 nM AVP in ovine cells [3].
  • In coronary arteries, the responses for GTN and SIN-1 on normal and deendothelialized preparations were not significantly different [4].

Biological context of SIN1


Anatomical context of SIN1


Associations of SIN1 with chemical compounds

  • L-NAPNA (100 microM) did not affect the relaxant response to the NO donor SIN-1 [6].
  • Rings were exposed to increasing concentrations of oxygen, PGE2 and after preconstriction with potassium (40 mmol/l) to SIN-1 [5].


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