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Chemical Compound Review

AG-K-93813     ethylN-(3-morpholin-4-yl-1- oxa-2-aza-3...

Synonyms: SureCN7804448, BSPBio_002968, KBioGR_001295, KBioSS_000756, M2901_SIGMA, ...
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Disease relevance of molsidomine


Psychiatry related information on molsidomine


High impact information on molsidomine


Chemical compound and disease context of molsidomine


Biological context of molsidomine


Anatomical context of molsidomine


Associations of molsidomine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of molsidomine

  • This study compares the effects of a dose of 1 nmol/kg ET-1 alone on myocardial contractility and myocardial energy metabolism with the effects of 1 nmol/kg ET-1 after pretreatment with 5 mg/kg molsidomine or with 100 microg/kg of the ETA receptor antagonist BQ 610 [24].
  • Poorly controlled diabetic animals were randomized to one of three treatment groups (n = 6 each group); a) untreated, b) HO-1 inhibitor SnPP-IX (50 micromol/kgIP/day), c) NO donor molsidomine (120 mg/L PO/day) and were compared with age and sex matched non diabetic control animals with or without SnPP-IX treatment [25].
  • Both SnPP-IX and molsidomine treatments prevented a diabetes increase of RI, in spite of increased ET-1 expression and were associated with increased iNOS mRNA [25].
  • Administration of molsidomine 30 minutes before or 1, 2, and 3 hours after Con A injection significantly reduced serum ALT levels and attenuated hepatocyte apoptosis from caspase inactivation [26].
  • Molsidomine prevented an I-R-induced increase in superoxide anion and reduced plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IFN-gamma), whereas it enhanced anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-10) [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of molsidomine

  • Mice treated with molsidomine had enhanced liver proteasome activity 6 hours after treatment, but after 24 hours enzyme activity declined below control levels [28].
  • This study investigated the effects of linsidomine, the active metabolite of molsidomine, on systemic and splanchnic hemodynamics in rats with CCl4-induced cirrhosis using the microsphere technique [2].
  • An assessment of single doses of 8 mg sustained-release molsidomine using serial exercise tests [21].
  • One hour after administration of molsidomine, the appearance of signs of ischaemia in the ECG were considerably delayed and they were reduced in magnitude [21].
  • One hundred percent survival was achieved in the group of animals treated with the NO donor, whereas the groups of animals undergoing I-R that did not receive molsidomine showed a 40% mortality from the second day after reperfusion [29].


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