Gene Review:
SUS1 - sucrose synthase 1
Arabidopsis thaliana
ASUS1, T1M15.230, T1M15_230, atsus1
- Analysis of the sucrose synthase gene family in Arabidopsis. Bieniawska, Z., Paul Barratt, D.H., Garlick, A.P., Thole, V., Kruger, N.J., Martin, C., Zrenner, R., Smith, A.M. Plant J. (2007)
- Expression of an Arabidopsis sucrose synthase gene indicates a role in metabolization of sucrose both during phloem loading and in sink organs. Martin, T., Frommer, W.B., Salanoubat, M., Willmitzer, L. Plant J. (1993)
- Sugar/osmoticum levels modulate differential abscisic acid-independent expression of two stress-responsive sucrose synthase genes in Arabidopsis. Déjardin, A., Sokolov, L.N., Kleczkowski, L.A. Biochem. J. (1999)
- Structure and expression profile of the sucrose synthase multigene family in Arabidopsis. Baud, S., Vaultier, M.N., Rochat, C. J. Exp. Bot. (2004)
- Analysis of sucrose synthase genes in citrus suggests different roles and phylogenetic relationships. Komatsu, A., Moriguchi, T., Koyama, K., Omura, M., Akihama, T. J. Exp. Bot. (2002)
- A mutation in At-nMat1a, which encodes a nuclear gene having high similarity to group II intron maturase, causes impaired splicing of mitochondrial NAD4 transcript and altered carbon metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nakagawa, N., Sakurai, N. Plant Cell Physiol. (2006)