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Gene Review

Amn  -  amnionless

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 5033428N14Rik, AV002116, Protein amnionless
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Disease relevance of Amn


High impact information on Amn

  • The amnionless gene, Amn, on mouse chromosome 12 encodes a type I transmembrane protein that is expressed in the extraembryonic visceral layer during gastrulation [2].
  • Here we report that the gene Amn encodes a novel type I transmembrane protein that is expressed exclusively in the extra-embryonic visceral endoderm layer during gastrulation [4].
  • To explore whether Amn participates in the development or function of KPT and intestinal epithelia and to gain insight into the function of Amn during gastrulation, we constructed Amn(-/-) ES cell<-->+/+ blastocyst chimeras [1].
  • We show that Amn is also expressed in kidney proximal tubules (KPT) and intestinal epithelium, which, like the VE, are polarized epithelia specialized for resorption and secretion [1].
  • Impaired primitive streak assembly in the mouse amnionless (amn) mutant results in the absence of non-axial trunk mesoderm, a derivative of the middle region of the primitive streak [1].

Biological context of Amn


Anatomical context of Amn

  • We report the identification of a new recessive prenatal lethal insertional mutation, amnionless (amn). amn mutant embryos first appear abnormal during the Early Streak stage, between E6.5 and E7.0, when they initiate mesoderm production [5].
  • In addition, the epiblast of amn mutants fails to increase significantly in size after E7.0, indicating that middle primitive streak assembly is mechanistically tied to the growth of the embryo during gastrulation [1].


  1. Mouse amnionless, which is required for primitive streak assembly, mediates cell-surface localization and endocytic function of cubilin on visceral endoderm and kidney proximal tubules. Strope, S., Rivi, R., Metzger, T., Manova, K., Lacy, E. Development (2004) [Pubmed]
  2. Amnionless, essential for mouse gastrulation, is mutated in recessive hereditary megaloblastic anemia. Tanner, S.M., Aminoff, M., Wright, F.A., Liyanarachchi, S., Kuronen, M., Saarinen, A., Massika, O., Mandel, H., Broch, H., de la Chapelle, A. Nat. Genet. (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Variations of the Amnionless gene in recurrent spontaneous abortions. Kaare, M., Painter, J.N., Ulander, V.M., Kaaja, R., Aittomäki, K. Mol. Hum. Reprod. (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. The amnionless gene, essential for mouse gastrulation, encodes a visceral-endoderm-specific protein with an extracellular cysteine-rich domain. Kalantry, S., Manning, S., Haub, O., Tomihara-Newberger, C., Lee, H.G., Fangman, J., Disteche, C.M., Manova, K., Lacy, E. Nat. Genet. (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. A candidate gene for the amnionless gastrulation stage mouse mutation encodes a TRAF-related protein. Wang, X., Bornslaeger, E.A., Haub, O., Tomihara-Newberger, C., Lonberg, N., Dinulos, M.B., Disteche, C.M., Copeland, N., Gilbert, D.J., Jenkins, N.A., Lacy, E. Dev. Biol. (1996) [Pubmed]
  6. The amn gene product is required in extraembryonic tissues for the generation of middle primitive streak derivatives. Tomihara-Newberger, C., Haub, O., Lee, H.G., Soares, V., Manova, K., Lacy, E. Dev. Biol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  7. Targeted disruption of cubilin reveals essential developmental roles in the structure and function of endoderm and in somite formation. Smith, B.T., Mussell, J.C., Fleming, P.A., Barth, J.L., Spyropoulos, D.D., Cooley, M.A., Drake, C.J., Argraves, W.S. BMC Dev. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
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