MeSH Review:
Subrenal Capsule Assay
- Synthesis and antitumor activity of isodoxorubicin analogues. Florent, J.C., Gaudel, G., Monneret, C., Hoffmann, D., Kraemer, H.P. J. Med. Chem. (1993)
- Action of 2-beta-D-ribofuranosylthiazole-4-carboxamide (tiazofurin) against untreated human ovarian cancers in the murine xenograft assay. Micha, J.P., Kucera, P.R., Preve, C.U., Rettenmaier, M.A., Stratton, J.A., DiSaia, P.J. Gynecol. Oncol. (1985)
- Concordance of combination and single agent chemosensitivity prediction in ovarian carcinoma using the subrenal capsule xenograft assay (SRCA). Stratton, J.A., Rettenmaier, M.A., Kucera, P.R., Berman, M.L., DiSaia, P.J. Gynecol. Oncol. (1988)
- Effects of the interferon-inducer ABPP on colon cancer in rats; importance of tumor load and tumor site. Eggermont, A.M., Marquet, R.L., de Bruin, R.W., Jeekel, J. Cancer Immunol. Immunother. (1986)
- A biochemical evaluation of oral squamous cell carcinoma growth by measurement of specific activity of succinate dehydrogenase in the subrenal capsule assay. Munakata, H., Kayada, Y., Kawahara, M., Sakamoto, T., Yoshiga, K., Takada, K. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. (1995)
- Transplantation of human or rodent tumors into cyclosporine-treated mice: a feasible model for studies of tumor biology and chemotherapy. Fingert, H.J., Treiman, A., Pardee, A.B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1984)
- Activity of mitozolomide (NSC 353451), a new imidazotetrazine, against xenografts from human melanomas, sarcomas, and lung and colon carcinomas. Fodstad, O., Aamdal, S., Pihl, A., Boyd, M.R. Cancer Res. (1985)
- Inhibiting effect of ascorbic acid on the growth of human mammary tumor xenografts. Tsao, C.S. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (1991)
- Anti-tumor activity of recombinant mouse tumor necrosis factor (TNF) on colon cancer in rats is promoted by recombinant rat interferon gamma; toxicity is reduced by indomethacin. Marquet, R.L., Ijzermans, J.N., De Bruin, R.W., Fiers, W., Jeekel, J. Int. J. Cancer (1987)
- In vivo isolated kidney perfusion with tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in tumour-bearing rats. van der Veen, A.H., Seynhaeve, A.L., Breurs, J., Nooijen, P.T., Marquet, R.L., Eggermont, A.M. Br. J. Cancer (1999)
- Effects of histamine, H1, H2 and Hic receptor antagonists and alpha-fluoromethylhistidine on the growth of human colorectal cancer in the subrenal capsule assay. Suonio, E., Tuomisto, L., Alhava, E. Agents Actions (1994)
- Comparison between succinate dehydrogenase inhibition test and subrenal capsule assay for chemosensitivity testing. Anai, H., Maehara, Y., Kusumoto, H., Sugimachi, K. Oncology (1987)
- Sensitivity test for 5-fluorouracil and its analogues, 1-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)-5-fluorouracil, uracil/1-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)-5-fluorouracil (4:1) and 1-hexylcarbamoyl-5-fluorouracil, using the subrenal capsule assay. Anai, H., Maehara, Y., Kusumoto, H., Kusumoto, T., Sugimachi, K. Oncology (1988)
- In vitro and in vivo chemosensitizing effect of cyclosporin A on an intrinsic multidrug-resistant rat colon tumour. Van de Vrie, W., Gheuens, E.E., Durante, N.M., De Bruijn, E.A., Marquet, R.L., Van Oosterom, A.T., Eggermont, A.M. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. (1993)
- Evaluation of mizoribine as an immunosuppressant in subrenal capsule assay using immunocompetent mice. Chen, D.Y., Kikuchi, H., Asamura, M., Gamoh, M., Wakui, A. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (1990)
- Effectiveness of P-aminobenzoyl-O-phenylenediamine (Goe 1734) against mouse, rat, and human tumour cells. Lelieveld, P., Middeldorp, R.J., van Putten, L.M. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. (1985)
- Response of ovarian cancer to combined cytotoxic agents in the subrenal capsule assay: Part I. Mäenpää, J., Kangas, L., Grönroos, M. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1985)
- Expression of the human transferrin receptor in subrenal capsule assay in the mouse. Lindholm, M.L., Lindberg, L.A., Vilja, P., Puolakka, V.M., Nordling, S., Schröder, T., Schröder, J. Journal of surgical oncology. (1988)
- Subrenal capsule assay to test the viability of parenterally delivered müllerian inhibiting substance. Donahoe, P.K., Krane, I., Bogdén, A.E., Kamagata, S., Budzik, G.P. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1984)
- Thymidylate synthase inhibition as a predictor of tumor sensitivity of fluorinated pyrimidines. Suzuki, M., Sekiguchi, I., Tamada, T. Asia-Oceania journal of obstetrics and gynaecology / AOFOG. (1990)
- Prediction of individual tumor chemosensitivity in subrenal capsule assay. Nishiyama, M., Noso, Y., Hirabayashi, N., Yamaguchi, M., Toge, T., Niimoto, M., Hattori, T. The Japanese journal of surgery. (1986)
- In vivo antineoplastic activity of ascorbic acid for human mammary tumor. Tsao, C.S., Dunham, W.B., Leung, P.Y. In Vivo (1988)