MeSH Review:
Tooth, Supernumerary
- Dracula's teeth syndrome. Jacome, D.E. Headache. (2001)
- Concomitant occurrence of hypodontia and supernumerary teeth in a patient with Down syndrome. Chow, K.M., O'Donnell, D. Special care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry. (1997)
- Commentary - esthetic management of fused carious teeth: a case report. Ritter, A.V. Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry : official publication of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry ... [et al.] (2006)
- A case report of supernumerary tooth and review of literature. Ohashi, N., Hori, M. Auris, nasus, larynx. (1991)
- Cleidocranial dysplasia: clinical and molecular genetics. Mundlos, S. J. Med. Genet. (1999)
- Runx2 (Cbfa1) inhibits Shh signaling in the lower but not upper molars of mouse embryos and prevents the budding of putative successional teeth. Wang, X.P., Aberg, T., James, M.J., Levanon, D., Groner, Y., Thesleff, I. J. Dent. Res. (2005)
- Application to forensic odontology of aspartic acid racemization in unerupted and supernumerary teeth. Ogino, T., Ogino, H. J. Dent. Res. (1988)
- Phenotypic changes in dentition of Runx2 homozygote-null mutant mice. Aberg, T., Cavender, A., Gaikwad, J.S., Bronckers, A.L., Wang, X., Waltimo-Sirén, J., Thesleff, I., D'Souza, R.N. J. Histochem. Cytochem. (2004)
- Clinical complications associated with supernumerary teeth: report of two cases. Chevitarese, A.B., Tavares, C.M., Primo, L. The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. (2003)
- A case of combined dental development abnormalities: importance of a thorough examination. Jiménez-Rubio, A., Segura, J.J., Feito, J.J. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1998)
- Unerupted incisors: a case report illustrating an attractive solution. Sandler, P.H., Fearne, J. Journal of the International Association of Dentistry for Children. (1990)
- Anomalies of craniofacial skeleton and teeth in cleidocranial dysplasia. Kreiborg, S., Jensen, B.L., Larsen, P., Schleidt, D.T., Darvann, T. J. Craniofac. Genet. Dev. Biol. (1999)
- Epigenetic influences may explain dental differences in monozygotic twin pairs. Townsend, G.C., Richards, L., Hughes, T., Pinkerton, S., Schwerdt, W. Australian dental journal. (2005)
- Further studies of a model for the etiology of anomalies of tooth number and size in humans. Brook, A.H., Elcock, C., al-Sharood, M.H., McKeown, H.F., Khalaf, K., Smith, R.N. Connect. Tissue Res. (2002)
- Reshaping a mesiodens. Tatel, F.S. Pediatric dentistry. (2003)
- Tooth eruption and cementum formation in the Runx2/Cbfa1 heterozygous mouse. Zou, S.J., D'Souza, R.N., Ahlberg, T., Bronckers, A.L. Arch. Oral Biol. (2003)
- Panoramic radiographic examination of 704 Danish children aged 9--10 years. Locht, S. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. (1980)
- The possible association between localized juvenile periodontitis and supernumerary teeth. Odell, E.W., Hughes, F.J. J. Periodontol. (1995)
- Treatment of an "ankylosed" upper central incisor in the mixed dentition. Cerny, R. Australian orthodontic journal. (2000)