MeSH Review:
Perceptual Disorders
- Administration of GM1 ganglioside eliminates neuroleptic-induced sensorimotor deficits in MPTP-treated mice. Weihmuller, F.B., Hadjiconstantinou, M., Bruno, J.P., Neff, N.H. Neurosci. Lett. (1988)
- Vibrotactile reaction times in unilateral neglect. The effects of hand location, rehabilitation and eyes open/closed. Pierson-Savage, J.M., Bradshaw, J.L., Bradshaw, J.A., Nettleton, N.C. Brain (1988)
- Bizarre perceptual disorder of extremities in patients taking verapamil. Kumana, C.R., Mahon, W.A. Lancet (1981)
- Brain-behavior correlations in hemispatial neglect using CT and SPECT: the Sunnybrook Stroke Study. Leibovitch, F.S., Black, S.E., Caldwell, C.B., Ebert, P.L., Ehrlich, L.E., Szalai, J.P. Neurology (1998)
- Correlation between plasma chlorpromazine and its metabolites and clinical ratings in patients with acute relapse of schizophrenic and paranoid psychosis. Phillipson, O.T., McKeown, J.M., Baker, J., Healey, A.F. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. (1977)
- Erythropoietin protects dopaminergic neurons and improves neurobehavioral outcomes in juvenile rats after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia. Demers, E.J., McPherson, R.J., Juul, S.E. Pediatr. Res. (2005)
- Collicular picrotoxin alleviates akinesia but not sensory neglect in rats with bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of ventral midbrain. Redgrave, P., Dean, P. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (1981)
- Progesterone protects against necrotic damage and behavioral abnormalities caused by traumatic brain injury. Shear, D.A., Galani, R., Hoffman, S.W., Stein, D.G. Exp. Neurol. (2002)
- Time-dependent changes in dopamine agonist-induced striatal Fos immunoreactivity are related to sensory neglect and its recovery after unilateral prefrontal cortex injury. Vargo, J.M., Marshall, J.F. Synapse (1995)
- Quantitative analysis of hemispatial neglect in the intracarotid sodium amobarbital (ISA) test. Ahern, G.L., Herring, A.M., Labiner, D.M., Weinand, M.E. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. (1998)
- The Character-line Bisection Task: a new test for hemispatial neglect. Lee, B.H., Kang, S.J., Park, J.M., Son, Y., Lee, K.H., Adair, J.C., Heilman, K.M., Na, D.L. Neuropsychologia. (2004)
- Effects of visible and invisible cueing on line bisection and Landmark performance in hemispatial neglect. Olk, B., Harvey, M. Neuropsychologia. (2002)
- Clinical predictors of course and outcome in delusional psychosis. Jørgensen, P., Aagaard, J. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. (1988)
- Comparison of the Milner and Bisiach Landmark Tasks: can neglect patients be classified consistently? Harvey, M., Olk, B. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. (2004)