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Barbamyl     sodium5-ethyl-5-(3- methylbutyl)-4,6-dioxo...

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Disease relevance of amobarbital


Psychiatry related information on amobarbital


High impact information on amobarbital


Biological context of amobarbital

  • A computerised evoked potential test for the lateralisation of speech dominance was compared with the intracarotid sodium amylobarbitone test in 22 epileptic patients [15].
  • Heart rate and heart rate variability changes in the intracarotid sodium amobarbital test [16].
  • The unique contribution of neuropsychology, which includes standard neuropsychological assessment and intracarotid sodium amytal (Wada) testing, is its capability to predict lateralization and often localization of a brain lesion based on cognitive function and dysfunction, which can be demonstrated also in the absence of a structural lesion [17].

Anatomical context of amobarbital


Associations of amobarbital with other chemical compounds


Gene context of amobarbital


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of amobarbital

  • Sodium Amytal inhibition of NADH oxidation resulted in a homogeneous increase in NADH fluorescence, while lowering perfusion pressure from 55 to 10 torr caused a heterogeneous increase in NADH fluorescence, reflecting the heterogeneous oxygen delivery at this low pressure [32].
  • Trans-synaptic regulation of muscarinic, peptidergic, and purinergic responses after denervation has been reported previously in rat parotid acinar cells (McMillian, M. K., Soltoff, S. P., Cantley, L. C., Rudel, R., and Talamo, B. R. (1993) Br. J. Pharmacol. 108, 453-461) [33].
  • Sodium amylobarbitone in the differential diagnosis of confusion [34].
  • Mapping distribution of amobarbital sodium in the intracarotid Wada test with use of Tc-99m HMPAO with SPECT [35].
  • This study examined the effects of intravenous administration of sodium amytal (SA), a medium action barbiturate, on cutaneous limb temperatures and sympathetic skin responses (SSR) to electrical stimulation [3].


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