MeSH Review:
Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Test
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- Specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility among the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test, the microhemagglutination assay for Treponema pallidum antibodies, and the hemagglutination treponemal test for syphilis. Larsen, S.A., Hambie, E.A., Pettit, D.E., Perryman, M.W., Kraus, S.J. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1981)
- Reactivity of microhemagglutination, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory, and rapid plasma reagin tests in primary syphilis. Huber, T.W., Storms, S., Young, P., Phillips, L.E., Rogers, T.E., Moore, D.G., Williams, R.P. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1983)
- Evaluation of sera from patients with Lyme disease in the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test for syphilis. Hunter, E.F., Russell, H., Farshy, C.E., Sampson, J.S., Larsen, S.A. Sexually transmitted diseases. (1986)
- Value of serological diagnosis in congenital syphilis. Report of nine cases. Borobio, M.V., Nogales, M.C., Palomares, J.C. The British journal of venereal diseases. (1980)
- Routine serologic screening for syphilis in hospitalized patients: high prevalence of unsuspected infection in the elderly. Burton, A.A., Flynn, J.A., Neumann, T.M., Wilson, C., Quinn, T.C., Hook, E.W. Sexually transmitted diseases. (1994)
- Further studies with the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption double-staining procedure. Mote, P.T., Hunter, E.F., Schubert, C.M., Feeley, J.C. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1980)
- Chest computerized tomography in the evaluation of uveitis in elderly women. Kaiser, P.K., Lowder, C.Y., Sullivan, P., Sanislo, S.R., Kosmorsky, G.S., Meziane, M.A., Rice, T.W., Smith, S.D., Meisler, D.M. Am. J. Ophthalmol. (2002)
- Influence of cardiolipin antibodies on the binding of treponemal specific antibodies in the fluorescence treponemal antibody absorption test and the Treponema pallidum immobilisation test. Borkhardt, H.L., Zielinski, S. J. Med. Microbiol. (1997)
- Increased sensitivity of the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test with biotin/avidin: a comparison with conventional FTA-ABS. Berntsson, E. Acta Derm. Venereol. (1985)
- Evaluation of the Captia enzyme immunoassays for detection of immunoglobulins G and M to Treponema pallidum in syphilis. Lefevre, J.C., Bertrand, M.A., Bauriaud, R. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1990)
- A comparison between sorbent and Reiter sonicate in the absorbed fluorescent treponemal antibody test. Wilkinson, A.E., Johnston, N.A. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (1975)
- Detection of syphilitic hearing loss. Zoller, M., Wilson, W.R., Nadol, J.B., Girard, K.F. Archives of otolaryngology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) (1978)
- Symptomatic neurosyphilis. Lee, J.B., Kim, S.C., Lee, S., Whang, K.H., Choi, I.S. International journal of dermatology. (1983)
- Testing for syphilis--rational use and interpretation. Nadarajah, M. Singapore medical journal. (1990)
- Four serologic tests for syphilis: results with comparison of selected groups of sera. Farshy, C.E., Hunter, E.F., Pope, V., Larsen, S.A., Feeley, J.C. Sexually transmitted diseases. (1986)
- Reactions of extracts of Reiter treponeme with syphilitic and non-syphilitic human sera in the single radial haemolysis technique. Al-Qudah, A.A., Mostratos, A. J. Med. Microbiol. (1984)
- False-positive treponemal serology in patients with diabetes mellitus. Brauner, A., Carlsson, B., Sundkvist, G., Ostenson, C.G. J. Diabetes Complicat. (1994)